Chapter 16: The cfx5control Application

The cfx5control application can be used to dynamically control the CFX-Solver. The features available include:

  • Stopping the solver running in the given directory at the end of the current timestep:

    <CFXROOT>/bin/cfx5control <directory> -stop
  • Instructing the solver running in the named directory to write a backup results file.

    <CFXROOT>/bin/cfx5control <directory> -backup
  • Editing the Command Language during a run:

    <CFXROOT>/bin/cfx5control <directory> -edit-commands [-no-backup]
  • Reading Command Language from a file and implementing it on the fly.

    <CFXROOT>/bin/cfx5control <directory> -inject-commands <file> [-no-backup]
  • Adjusting the priority of a CFX-Solver run by resetting the run priority on Windows or altering the nice increment on non-Windows platforms. This applies to all solver processes in a parallel run.

    <CFXROOT>/bin/cfx5control <directory> -reset-priority <level>

    where <level> is one of Idle, Low, Standard or High, as given in the following table:

    CFX Run Priority LevelUNIX nice inc.Windows Priority

    If the current priority level is the same as <level>, then there is no change. Administrative (or root) privileges are usually required to increase the priority from a lower level to a higher level. When the change of priority is attempted, then the CFX-Solver will write a diagnostic message into the CFX-Solver Output file of the form:

    |            ****** Updating Runtime Priority ******                 |
    |                                                                    |
    |      <outcome of the attempt to change the run priority>           |
    |                                                                    |
  • Displaying help for this command:

    <CFXROOT>/bin/cfx5control -help

In these examples:

  • <CFXROOT> is the path to your installation of CFX

  • <directory> specifies a directory in which the Ansys CFX solver is currently running, such as StaticMixer_004.dir.

  • -no-backup prevents the solver from writing a backup file before reading the new Command Language file.