9.8. Post-Process Results Command

Loads the CFD-Post post-processor. For details, see Overview of CFD-Post in the CFD-Post User's Guide.

  1. Select Tools > Post-Process Results.

    The Start CFD-Post dialog box is displayed.

  2. Under Results File, click Browse   and select a results file to load into CFD-Post.

  3. If you want to load two results files into CFD-Post together, check Specify Additional Results File, and select another results file to load.

  4. Select Multi-Configuration Load Options in order to control how the results of a multi-configuration run are loaded, or to load just the last case of such a run.

  5. Select or clear Shut down CFX-Solver Manager.

    If selected, Ansys CFX-Solver Manager is shut down before CFD-Post is launched.

  6. Click OK.