8.10. Save Layout Command

Once a layout has been configured to display preferred settings views, it can be saved. Once saved, layouts can be loaded as required. For details, see Load Layout Command.

This is useful when carrying out different runs for the same problem. For example, there may be a layout with preferred settings after changing a boundary condition value. Another layout may be preferred for viewing a turbulence model. By saving and loading a layout, it is simple to switch between these views.

The saved layout fully restores settings only for problems with the same domain and boundary names as the problem that was selected in the when the layout was saved. If the saved layout is loaded when the current problem has different domain and/or boundary names, variables to plot must be reselected. For details, see Defining a Default Plot Monitor.

  1. Configure the current layout to the appearance to save.

    That is, display various monitors, position them, set up the layout type and so on.

  2. Select Workspace > Save Layout.

    The Layout File dialog box is displayed.

  3. If required, set the path location to a different directory.

  4. Under File name, type the name of the file to save.

  5. Click Save.

    If the name already exists, a warning dialog box is displayed.

    • Overwrite replaces the old file with the new document.

    • Re-select returns to the Layout File dialog box.

    • Cancel closes the open dialog boxes.