2.2.1. Run Definition Tab

To configure the Run Definition tab:

  • Set Type of Run to Full or Partitioner Only.

    • Full runs the partitioner if applicable, and then runs the solver.

    • Partitioner Only is used for parallel runs only and does not run the solver. This writes a .par file.

  • You can select or clear Double Precision. This setting will determine the default (single or double) precision of the partitioner, solver, and interpolator executables. For details on the precision of the executables, see Double-Precision Executables. The precisions of the partitioner, solver, and interpolator executables can be optionally overridden individually on the Partitioner, Solver, and Interpolator tabs.

  • You can select or clear Large Problem. This setting will determine the default ("large problem" or not) problem size capability of the partitioner, solver, and interpolator executables. For details on the problem size capability of the executables, see Large Problem Executables. The problem size capability of the partitioner, solver, and interpolator executables can be optionally overridden individually on the Partitioner, Solver, and Interpolator tabs.

  • You can configure the Parallel Environment as required (see below).

  • If required, you can set the working directory under Run Environment.

  • If required, you can select Show Advanced Controls to display other tabs. Parallel Environment

Under Parallel Environment, select a Run Mode option. The run mode determines whether the run is serial (the default when defining a run in which a problem is solved as one process), or parallel (problem is split into partitions).

  • A serial run (the default) requires no additional configuration.

  • For a local parallel run, specify the maximum number of processes.

  • For a distributed parallel run, specify the number of processes for each host. If choosing a specified partition weighting (under the Partitioner tab), click directly on the partition weight number to edit it. There should be one weight entry per partition.

For more information on Parallel Processing, see Parallel Run in the CFX-Solver Manager User's Guide.