CFX-Pre provides an extensive list of library materials. Properties for these have already been defined and are known to CFX-Pre. If you modify a library material during a simulation using the Material details view, the modified definition is stored in the simulation file and is therefore local to your simulation.
On the Outline tab, right-click Materials
and select Import Library Data to open the Select Library Data to Import dialog
box. From here, you can select a material to load.
If necessary, you can open the File to Import dialog box by clicking Browse . The dialog box will open with the default location:
. This
directory contains CCL files that can be used to load additional materials
into CFX-Pre (for example, Redlich Kwong, IAPWS, or Interphase Mass
Transfer materials).<CFXROOT>
After importing material(s) from a library, you should inspect the material property data to ensure that it is adequate for the specific application.
If you want to use a material defined in one simulation in another
simulation, the recommended method is to use the Export and Import
CCL features to load the material definition from a local file. This
is done by exporting CCL objects of type LIBRARY:LIBRARY/MATERIAL
. For details, see Import CCL Command and Export CCL Command.