33.1.2. Library Name and Library Path

This is the name of the shared library. The Library Name will be the name of the file containing the subroutine, ignoring any file extensions (for example, InletProfile for the file named InletProfile.F). The filename depends on how you ran the cfx5mkext command:

  • If you did not specify a -name option when running the cfx5mkext command, the filename will be the name of your shared library. For details, see Shared Libraries in the CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.

  • If you did specify the -name option when running the cfx5mkext command, the filename will be the name you specified.

Note that if you look at the actual filename of the shared library, it will have a lib prefix (UNIX only) and either a .so, .sl, or .dll suffix depending on your platform. Do not include the prefix or suffix in the Library Name.

The Library Path is the absolute path to the directory that contains the shared libraries in subdirectories for each platform. The pathname depends on how you ran the cfx5mkext command:

  • If you did not specify a -dest option when running the cfx5mkext command, this will be the path to the directory in which the cfx5mkext command was executed. For details, see Shared Libraries in the CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.

  • If you did specify the "-dest" option when running the cfx5mkext command, the pathname will be the name you specified.

On UNIX platforms, the Library Path will look like:


On Windows systems, the Library Path will look like:


If you are running in parallel and specify only a single library path, then each machine should be able to locate the shared libraries using the specified Library Path. On Windows systems, you may have to map network drives so that the path to the libraries is the same on each machine. However, you can also specify the Library Path as a list. Ansys CFX will try to locate your shared libraries on each machine in the parallel run using the list of paths provided. Comma (,), colon (:) and semi-colon (;) separated lists are valid. For example, when running in parallel across Windows and UNIX machines, a valid path may look like:

/home/user/SharedLibraries, C:\Shared Libraries

The colon used after a Windows drive letter is treated correctly and is not interpreted as a list separator.