3.10.1. Append or Replace Append

This option never deletes existing objects such as domains, boundary conditions, and initialization. Objects with a different name than existing objects are added. If an object of the same name and type already exists, parameters within the object that are unique to the imported CCL file are added to the existing object. When the imported CCL file contains parameter definitions that already exist within existing objects, they will replace the existing definitions. Replace

This option overwrites, in full, existing objects of the same name and type. Because boundary conditions, subdomains, and so on are defined within a domain, if that domain is replaced, these objects are lost if not defined in the imported CCL file. Objects with a unique name are added to the existing case.

Replace only replaces any object listed in the new file that is a subobject of FLOW with the new definition in the file. However, it does not remove objects that are not listed in the new file. To remove objects not mentioned in the replacement CCL, you can either delete FLOW (and all its contents) before importing the new CCL or import the new CCL and then remove the objects that are no longer required. Auto-load materials

When Replace is selected, the Auto-load materials check box is made available. When a file is imported with the Auto-load materials check box selected, any materials and reactions that are missing from the problem setup being imported, and that are not defined in the case already, will be loaded automatically. These added materials and reactions can be found in the standard materials and reactions library files.