13.2. The Details View for Domain Objects

After entering a name for the domain, or selecting a domain to edit, the domain details view appears in the workspace. In this view, you should complete each of the following tabs in turn, proceeding from left to right across the tabs. The tabs shown depends on your simulation, but could be:

  • Basic Settings: Sets the location and type of domains, as well as the fluid, porous or solid, used in the domain. The reference pressure, buoyancy options and domain motion are also set here. For details, see Basic Settings Tab.

  • Porosity Settings: Only available for porous domains. Set the general description of a porous domain.

  • Fluid Models: Only available for fluid domains. Sets the physical models that apply to all domain fluids. For details, see Fluid Models Tab.

  • Fluid Specific Models (for example, Water at RTP): Only available for fluid or porous domains when more than one fluid is selected, or for a single phase case when particles are included. A separate tab is used for each fluid in the domain and uses the fluid name as the name for the tab. This sets physical model options that are specific to each domain fluid. For details, see Fluid Specific Models Tab.

  • Fluid Pair Models: Only available for fluid domains using multiple fluids or when particles are included. This sets options that depend on the interaction between fluid pairs, such as transfer options. For details, see Fluid Pair Models Tab.

  • Solid Models: Only available for solid domains. Sets the physical models that apply to the solid. For details, see Solid Models Tab.

  • Particle Injection Regions: When a particle tracking simulation is used, custom injection regions can be created using this tab. For details, see Particle Injection Regions Tab.

  • Initialization: Sets initial conditions on a domain basis. For details, see Initialization Tab. This is optional since global initialization can also be performed, but is essential for solid domains.

  • Solver Control: Sets solver control settings on a domain basis. For details, see Solver Control Tab.