11.1. New Session Command

When a session file is not currently being recorded, you can select Session > New Session. This opens the Set Session File dialog box where you can enter a filename for your session file. Once you have saved the file, it becomes the current session file. Commands are not written to the file until you select Session > Start Recording.

  1. Browse to the directory in which you want to create the session file, and then enter a name for the file ending with a .cse (CFD-Post) extension.

  2. Click Save to create the file.

    This will not start recording to the session file. To start recording, you must select Session > Start Recording.

If you create more than one session file during a CFD-Post session, the most recently created file is the current session file by default. You can set a different file to be the current session file by selecting an existing file from the New Session > Set Session File window and then clicking Save. Because the file exists, a warning dialog box appears:

  • If you select Overwrite, the existing session file is deleted and a new file is created in its place.

  • If you select Append, commands will be added to the end of the existing session file when recording begins.