4.1.5. Properties Pane

The Properties pane is a table whose entries describe the status of a system. These entries vary between system cells and are affected by the status of the cell. Some entries in the Properties pane are writable; others are for information only.

To display the Properties for a particular cell, right-click the cell and select Properties. Once the Properties pane is open, simply selecting a cell in the Project Schematic will display its properties.


Multi-configuration Post Processor Load Options

This is a display-only value.

The way that multi-configuration files and transient files open in CFD-Post must be set beforehand in CFD-Post or in the Properties settings for each Solution cell; you cannot configure these settings from the Properties pane of a Results cell.

Update Options

Clear State

When you select this check box, CFD-Post clears the existing state when the Results cell is updated or modified.

When you update the Results cell, when CFD-Post is already open, the existing state is cleared before CFD-Post reloads the upstream data and performs any postprocessing.

Load Report

Loads either a predefined report template or a custom template after CFD-Post reloads the upstream data.

The None option has no effect when the Results cell is updated or edited.

Custom Report Template

Sets the name of the report template when you select Custom under Load Report.

Publish Report

Select this check box to automatically publish a HTML report. The location of the report is displayed in the Files pane.

Report Output Filename

Sets the name of the report being published when you select the Publish Report option. The default name is set to Report.html.

Report Location

Sets the directory where the report is published, when you select the Publish Report option.

If you leave this field undefined, the report is saved in the directory associated with the Results cell.

Note:  When using Custom Report Templates with the RSM, it is strongly recommended that you create a directory named CustomReportTemplates within the user_files project directory to store any custom report templates. Workbench will search for custom report templates in this directory and consequently only the filename then needs to be specified. This is particularly convenient when transferring projects between different machines or using the RSM where the absolute path to the report template file may otherwise differ.