8.15.4. Ansys Icepak Files

When using Ansys Icepak with CFD-Post, a custom session file (IcepakCustomVariables.cse) loads into CFD-Post when you load results files (.cas and .dat) or refresh the Results cell in Ansys Workbench. This session file creates variables required to use the Ansys Icepak files fully within CFD-Post.

Icepak exports the solution variables: Pressure, X/Y/Z velocities, and temperatures. In addition, for some models you can select additional variables in Icepak to export to CFD-Post:

User defined memory 0/1/2

The X/Y/Z direction thermal conductivities at every node in the domain.

Heat Flux Vector

Akin to velocity vectors, you can use this variable to plot heat flux vectors at any location in the domain.

Thermal Cross

The cross product of the Heat Flux and the gradient of Temperature. You can use this to locate regions of large heat flux vectors that are not aligned with high temperature gradients, therefore implying possible regions for shorting heat flow.

Thermal Chokepoint

The dot product of Heat Flux and the gradient of Temperature. You can use this to locate regions of high heat flux coupled with high thermal resistances.