8.15.11. CFX-TASCflow Results Files

CFD-Post can import CFX-TASCflow results files for postprocessing. When you load the results, you may be prompted to provide the solution units that were used in the simulation. For details, see CFD-Post Solution Units.

If TBPOST_COMP_X parameters (where X is the component number) are defined in the GCI file, either on their own or within the TBPOST_COMP_LIST macro, they are used to obtain the list of turbo components to load. Each defined component is treated as a separate domain inside CFD-Post, allowing for their individual turbo initialization.

Note:  If this list exists but is incomplete, only the defined components are loaded. If you cannot load a turbo file, it may be due to an incompatibility in the component definition. As a workaround, remove TBPOST related parameter and macro definitions from the GCI file. Limitations with CFX-TASCflow Files

  • When loading rso or grd files, bcf and prm files are required.

  • bcf files must be complete (must contain all domain and boundary condition definitions).

  • When using the Turbo Post functionality, separate region names are required for the following 2D location types:

    • Hub

    • Shroud

    • Blade

    • Inlet

    • Outlet

    • Periodic1

    • Periodic2

      If these regions have not been specified separately (that is, the hub and blade are both part of one region), you will either need to recreate them in the CFX-TASCflow preprocessor or specify the turbo regions from line locators. For details, see Initialize All Components.

  • Mass flow and torque are not written to rso files by CFX-TASCflow. These values are approximated in CFD-Post and may not be suitable for use in a formal quantitative analysis. Variable Translation

By default, CFD-Post does not modify the variable names in the rso file. If you want to use all of the embedded CFD-Post macros and calculation options, you need to convert variable names to CFX variable names. You can convert the variable names to CFX variable names upon reading the file by selecting Edit > Options, then, in the Options dialog box, selecting CFD-Post > Files > Variables > Non CFX Files > Translate variable names to CFX-Solver style names.

Translation is carried out according to the following:


Translated to CFX Variable

TKETurbulent Kinetic Energy
EPSILONTurbulence Eddy Dissipation
VISC_MOLECULARMolecular Viscosity
CONDUCTIVITYThermal Conductivity
SPECIFIC_HEAT_PSpecific Heat Capacity at Constant Pressure
SPECIFIC_HEAT_VSpecific Heat Capacity at Constant Volume
PTOTALTotal Pressure
PTOTAL_RELTotal Pressure in Rel Frame
PTOTAL_ABSTotal Pressure in Stn Frame
POFFPressure Offset
P_CORRECTEDPressure Corrected
TTOTALTotal Temperature
TTOTAL_RELTotal Temperature in Rel Frame
TTOTAL_ABSTotal Temperature in Stn Frame
TOFFTemperature Offset
T_CORRECTEDTemperature Corrected
TAU_WALLWall Shear
YPLUSSolver Yplus
Q_WALLWall Heat Flux
PRESSURE_RELRelative Pressure
MACHMach Number
MACH_ABSMach Number in Stn Frame
MACH_RELMach Number in Rel Frame
HTOTALTotal Enthalpy
HTOTAL_RELTotal Enthalpy in Rel Frame
HTOTAL_ABSTotal Enthalpy in Stn Frame
ENTHALPYStatic Enthalpy
ENTROPYStatic Entropy
CONTROL_VOLUMEVolume of Finite Volumes