18.2.1. Loading a Results File

You load a results file by using the >load command. The parameter settings for loading the file are read from the DATA READER object. For simplicity, some parameters may be set via optional parameters as part of the load command.

>load [filename=<filename>][timestep=<timestep>]

If a timestep is not specified, a value of -1 is assumed (this corresponds to the Final state).

When a results file is loaded, all Domain, Boundary, and Variable objects associated with the results file are created or updated. Variable objects are created, but the associated data is not actually read into the post-processor until the variables are used (load-on-demand). Variables will be pre-loaded if specified in the DATA READER. load Command Examples

The following are example >load commands with the expected results.

>load filename=c:/CFX/tutorials/Buoyancy2DVMI_002.res, timestep=3

This command loads the specified results file at timestep 3.

Tip:  If going from a transient to steady-state results file, you should specify the timestep to be -1 (if this is not the current setting). If you do not explicitly set this, you will get a warning message stating that the existing timestep does not exist. The -1 timestep will then be loaded.

>load timestep=4

This command loads timestep 4 in the existing results file.