15.3.3. Uninitializing Components

After a turbo component has been initialized, it is possible to change or even remove its initialization settings. An uninitialized component still has axial, radial and Theta coordinates generated for it, as long as the rotation axis is defined.

The Uninitialize All Components button is accessible in the Turbo details view after double-clicking Initialization in the Turbo workspace. A shortcut menu associated with a turbo component in the Turbo tree view enables uninitialization for that component, or for all components.

Uninitializing all turbo components can be followed by initializing only the components that will be studied. Keeping the number of initialized components to a minimum saves computer memory. It also saves computational effort when generating plots that span multiple components. For example, having only one component initialized in a domain with many components restricts calculations and plots to just the initialized component.

Uninitialization does not cause graphic objects to be deleted. A graphic object that disappears due to the uninitialization of a turbo component reappears if the component is initialized.