8.4. Save State Command and Save State As Command

When CFD-Post is started from the Ansys CFX Launcher, the Save State command produces a CCL file with a .cst file extension. All objects that currently exist in the system are saved to the state file.

Important:  A state file is linked to the results file from which it was created by an absolute path. Therefore, do not change the location of the results file. The state file does not contain the geometry, mesh, or any results; these are loaded from the results file into CFD-Post.

If you have not saved a state file during your current CFD-Post session, selecting Save State opens the Save State dialog box where you can enter a filename.

If you have already saved a previous state, selecting Save State overwrites that file. To save a state to a different filename, you should select Save State As from the File menu.

When CFD-Post is started from Ansys Workbench, the Save Project command writes the current state of the project.