5.3.1. Creating a Figure

In CFD-Post, figures can be created by selecting Insert > Figure, or by selecting Copy to New Figure from the viewer shortcut menu (after right-clicking a blank area in the 3D Viewer). The names of views that you create are of the form "Figure m" by default, where m is an integer that results in a unique name.

A new figure gets its definition from the currently existing view or figure. The latter remains active so that subsequent view manipulations do not affect the new figure. Copying Objects for Figures

A change made to an object will affect all figures that show that object. This can result in an unwanted change to a figure after it has been created. In order to avoid this problem, you may select the Make copies of objects option that is available when creating a new figure. This causes all visible objects to be copied, and the new figure to use the copied objects rather than the original ones.

Any copied objects for a figure will appear in the tree view under User Locations and Plots > Local Objects for FigureName, where FigureName is the name of the figure.