13.1.3. Multiple Files

When multiple files are loaded, they appear on separate tabs on the top of the Timestep Selector dialog box. The Sync Cases setting is available to synchronize the cases in the following ways:

  • Off

    The Off option causes each set of results to be independent in terms of the selected timestep.

  • By Time Step

    The By Time Step option causes each set of results to switch to "match" the timestep you select for any set of results. All sets of results are therefore synchronized by timestep. The Match setting controls the matching criterion. The Same Step option causes results with identical timesteps to be synchronized, and results without identical timesteps to remain at their current timestep. The Nearest Available option causes the closest timestep to be selected for each set of results if there is not an exact match.

  • By Time Value

    The By Time Value option causes each set of results to switch to "match" the time value you select for any set of results. All sets of results are therefore synchronized by time value. The Match setting controls the matching criterion. The Same Value option causes results with identical time values to be synchronized, and results without identical time values to remain at their current time value. The Nearest Available option causes the closest time value to be selected for each set of results if there is not an exact match. The remaining Match options enable different degrees of matching; they are: Within 1%, Within 5%, and Within 10%.

  • By Index

    The By Index option causes each set of results to switch to "match", as closely as possible, the index number you select for any set of results. All sets of results are therefore synchronized by index.

  • By Crank Angle

    The By Crank Angle option is only available when multiple internal combustion engine simulations are loaded. It causes each set of results to switch to "match" the crank angle you select for any set of results. All sets of results are therefore synchronized by crank angle. The Match setting controls the matching criterion. The Same Value option causes results with identical crank angles to be synchronized, and results without identical crank angles to remain at their current crank angle. The Nearest Available option causes the closest crank angle to be selected for each set of results if there is not an exact match. The remaining Match options enable different degrees of matching; they are: Within 1%, Within 5%, and Within 10%.

Note:  For transient blade row cases, Timestep and Index are the same. Hence, timestep sync By Time Step and By Index are identical options.