A.2. Neutral Structural Input File

A.2.1. Model Title

This enables you to input a descriptive text for the model.

TITLE description


DescriptionUp to 72 character description of the model

A.2.2. Structural Finite Element Description

This defines the points on the structural model to which the hydrodynamic loading is to be mapped. The loading may be applied to a node, an element centroid, or an element integration point, depending upon the target FE program. The mapping will be undertaken in the same way irrespective of the type of point which is being defined.

x(1) y(1) z(1) position
x(npoints) y(npoints) z(npoints) position


GEOMKeyword to denote start of FE geometry definition
npointsNumber of data points being defined
x(j)X coordinate for point j
y(j)Y coordinate for point j
z(j)Z coordinate for point j
positionData items identifying load position in the FE program (optional)

Note:  The position data is always ignored. It will have no effect to the load mapping.

A.2.3. Structural Line Element Description

This defines the points on the structural model to which the hydrodynamic loading on line elements is to be mapped. The loading may be applied to a node, an element centroid, or an element integration point, depending upon the target FE program. The mapping will be undertaken in the same way irrespective of the type of point which is being defined.

x(1) y(1) z(1) position
x(npoints) y(npoints) z(npoints) position


BEAMKeyword to denote start of line element structural definition
npointsNumber of data points being defined
x(j)X coordinate for point j
y(j)Y coordinate for point j
z(j)Z coordinate for point j
positionData items identifying load position in the FE program (optional)

Note:  The position data is always ignored. This will have no effect to the load mapping.