There is only one output file from AqwaFlow, <name>.TXT, containing the flow parameters at the user specified points for all the wave frequencies and directions defined in the Aqwa-Line data file.
Below is a partial extract from the output file generated by AqwaFlow:
VELOCITY,POTENTIAL,PRESSURE,WAVE ELEVATION AT SPECIFIED POSITIONS DUE TO STRUCTURE# 1 Pot: Total potential Pre: Total pressure (excluding hydrostatic) Wav: Total wave surface elevation Phases are with reference to COG of Str# 1 WAVE AMPLITUDE = 1.00000 ==================================================================== WAVE DIRECTION =-180.0000 WAVE FREQUENCY = 0.1000 (PERIOD= 62.83SEC) -------------------------------------------------------------------- NODE NO./COOR 1 78.7500 28.7500 -5.0000 Vx/Vy/Vz (Amp.) 0.1216 0.0008 0.1009 Vx/Vy/Vz (Phase) 169.4338 -155.5547 -95.2605 Ax/Ay/Az (Amp.) 0.0122 0.0001 0.0101 Ax/Ay/Az (Phase) 79.4338 114.4453 174.7395 Pot/Pre/Wav (Amp.) 97.8576 10030.4023 N/A Pot/Pre/Wav (Phase) -95.3560 -5.3560 N/A --------------- Moonpool Global #1 ------------------------------ NODE NO./COOR 1 38.7500 8.7500 0.0000 Vx/Vy/Vz (Amp.) 0.1341 0.0338 0.1019 Vx/Vy/Vz (Phase) 164.3414 105.8807 -92.2736 Ax/Ay/Az (Amp.) 0.0134 0.0034 0.0102 Ax/Ay/Az (Phase) 74.3414 15.8807 177.7264 Pot/Pre/Wav (Amp.) 99.9510 10244.9824 1.0192 Pot/Pre/Wav (Phase) -92.2647 -2.2647 -2.2647 --------------- Moonpool Global #1 ------------------------------ NODE NO./COOR 257 -38.7500 8.7500 -5.0000 Vx/Vy/Vz (Amp.) 0.1151 0.0109 0.2706 Vx/Vy/Vz (Phase) -170.7339 107.9275 -75.9319 Ax/Ay/Az (Amp.) 0.0115 0.0011 0.0271 Ax/Ay/Az (Phase) 99.2661 17.9275 -165.9319 Pot/Pre/Wav (Amp.) 98.8896 10136.1836 N/A Pot/Pre/Wav (Phase) -87.0158 2.9842 N/A