5.2. Function Descriptions

All the function information in this section can be obtained using the help button from the Function Wizard in Excel. The list of functions below is complete at the time of writing, but more functions will be added when necessary.

Aqlcogcoord Returns x, y or z coordinate of the center of gravity of a structure
Aqlcoord Returns x, y or z coordinate of a node
Aqlelcent Returns x, y, or z coordinate of the centroid of a diffracting element
Aqlelcent_moonpoolReturns x, y, or z coordinate of the centroid of a diffracting element on a moonpool
Aqlelpres Returns pressure at element centroid
Aqlelpres_moonpoolReturns pressure at element centroid on a moonpool
Aqlfrequency Returns wave frequencies analyzed in Aqwa-Line
Aqlglobal Returns global parameters
Aqlmessage Returns an error message for a given aql error flag number
Aqlndirns Returns the number of wave directions for a structure
Aqlnfreqs Returns the number of wave frequencies for a structure
Aqlnlines Returns the number of mooring lines in a model
AqlnmoonpoolsReturns the number of moonpools in a model
Aqlnstructs Returns the number of structures in a model
Aqlposition Returns the position of a structure for a time history analysis
Aqlrao Returns RAO information from the hydrodynamic database
Aqlrao2 Returns interpolated RAO information from the hydrodynamic database
Aqlstatmooring Returns mooring line information for a static (Aqwa-Librium) analysis
Aqlstatposcog Returns position of the CoG for a static (Aqwa-Librium) analysis
Aqlstatposnod Returns position of a specified node for a static (Aqwa-Librium) analysis
Aqlthacccog Returns the acceleration of the cog for a time history analysis
Aqltharticulation Returns articulation reactions for a time history analysis
Aqlthfender Returns fender information for a time history analysis
Aqlthmooring Returns mooring line information for a time history analysis
Aqlthnumsteps Returns number of time steps for a time history analysis
Aqlthposcog Returns the position of the CoG for a time history analysis
Aqlthtime Returns the time associated with a time step in a time history analysis
Aqlthvelcog Returns the velocity of the cog for a time history analysis
Aqlwavedirn Returns wave directions analyzed in Aqwa-Line
Aqlzcge Returns the ZCGE parameter for a structure in an Aqwa-Line analysis


Purpose:Returns the intial coordinate of the center of gravity
Notes:Only one coordinate is returned according to the freedom specified
Example:aqlcogcoord(Model,1,x) returns the x coordinate of the center of gravity of structure 1 in the model specified in the name cell Model


Purpose:Returns the initial coordinate of a node
Notes:Only one coordinate is returned according to the freedom specified
Example:aqlcoord(Model,1,101,x) returns the x coordinate of the element 101 on structure 1 in the model specified in the named cell Model.


Purpose:Returns the initial coordinate of the centroid of a diffracting element
Notes:Only one coordinate is returned according to the freedom specified. Xsym and ysym are used to define the region in a model with symmetry. Use 1 to specify the modelled region, 2 to specify the reflected region
Example:aqlelcent(Model,1,101,2,1,x) returns the x-coordinate of element 101 on structure 1 in the model specified in the named cell Model. The element will be in the region reflected in the X-Z plane (usually on the starboard side for a conventional ship model with one axis of symmetry and nodes defined with positive y-coordinates)


Purpose:Returns the initial coordinate of the centroid of a diffracting element on a moonpool
Notes:Only one coordinate is returned according to the freedom specified. moonpool is the global sequence number of the required moonpool, element is the sequence number of element among the elements of the required moonpool. xsym and ysym are used to define the region in a model with symmetry. Use 1 to specify the modelled region, 2 to specify the reflected region
Example:Aqlelcent_moonpool(Model,1,2,101,2,1,x) returns the x-coordinate of element 101 on the moonpool of global number of 2 associated with structure 1 in the model specified in the named cell Model. The element will be in the region reflected in the X-Z plane (usually on the starboard side for a conventional ship model with one axis of symmetry and nodes defined with positive y-coordinates)


Purpose:Returns the pressure at the centroid of an element
Notes:xsym and ysym are used to define the region in a model with symmetry. Use 1 to specify the modelled region, 2 to specify the reflected region. Valid components are Hydrostatic, Incident, Diffraction, Radiation, Total. The names can be abbreviated to the first 3 letters. Hydrostatic is the dynamically varying component of hydrostatic pressure caused by the motion of the ship
Example:aqlelpres(Model,1,2,5,101,2,1,Tot,Amp) returns the amplitude of the total pressure at the centroid of element 101 on structure 1 in the model specified in the named cell Model, for the 2nd direction and the 5th frequency


Purpose:Returns the pressure at the centroid of an element on a moonpool
Notes:xsym and ysym are used to define the region in a model with symmetry. Use 1 to specify the modelled region, 2 to specify the reflected region. Valid components are Hydrostatic, Incident, Diffraction, Radiation, Total. The names can be abbreviated to the first 3 letters. Hydrostatic is the dynamically varying component of hydrostatic pressure caused by the motion of the ship
Example:Aqlelpres_moonpool(Model,1,2,2,5,101,2,1,Tot,Amp) returns the amplitude of the total pressure at the centroid of element 101 on the moonpool of global number of 2 associated with structure 1 in the model specified in the named cell Model, for the 2nd direction and the 5th frequency


Purpose:Returns the frequencies utilized in the radiation/diffraction analysis
Notes:freqnum is the frequency identifier as specified in the Aqwa-Line analysis


Purpose:Returns a global parameter
Notes:Valid parameters are DPTH, DENS, ACCG for extracting water depth, water density, acceleration due to gravity


Purpose:Returns the definition of an AQL error code
Example:aqlmessage(#AQL:101) returns the error message connected with AQL error number 101


Purpose:Returns the number of wave directions for a structure


Purpose:Returns the number of wave frequencies for a structure


Purpose:Returns the number of mooring lines in a model


Purpose:Returns the number of moonpools in a model


Purpose:Returns the number of structures in a model


Purpose:Returns the position of the center of gravity of a structure at a given time
Notes:Only applies to time domain programs, Naut and Drift. Freedom is in terms of the Fixed Reference Axis. Timestep is the timestep number rather than the actual time
Example:aqlposition(Model,1,x,2) returns the x-coordinate of the center of gravity of structure 1 at timestep number 2 in the model specified in the named cell Model


Purpose:Returns RAO data
Notes:direnum is the wave direction number rather than the actual wave angle
Example:aqlrao(Model,1,2,5,rx,Amp) returns the amplitude of the roll RAO of structure 1 in waves of frequency no. 5 and direction no. 2


Purpose:Returns interpolated RAO data.
Notes:This function interpolates between data points in the Aqwa database. Dire is the wave angle (degrees) and freq is the wave frequency (rad/s). Compare with aqlroa above.
Example:aqlrao2(Model, 1, 15, 0.35, x, Amp) returns the RAO based motion of structure 1 in the x direction, in waves with a frequency of 0.35 rad/s and direction 15 deg.


Purpose:Returns the mooring line information from a static (Aqwa-Librium) analysis.
Notes:Valid freedoms are X, Y, Z, tension, laid length, and uplift. Long freedom names can be abbreviated to the first four letters. Requires the .PLD file for the model. Aqwa-Librium does not produce a .PLD file so it is necessary to open the AGS and read in the .PLT file. A .PLD file will then be generated automatically.
Example:aqlstatmooring(Model,1,2,2,4,TENS) returns the tension in line 4 connected to structure 1 for mooring configuration no.2 and spectrum no.2.


Purpose:Returns the final position of the center of gravity from a static (Aqwa-Librium) analysis
Notes:Valid freedoms are X, Y, Z, RX, RY, RZ. Requires the .PLD file for the model. Aqwa-Librium does not produce a .PLD file, so it is necessary to open the AGS and read in the .PLT file. A. PLD file will then be generated automatically.
Example:aqlstatposcig(Model,1,2,2,RX) returns the angle about the X-axis of the center of gravity of structure 1 for mooring configuration no. 2 and spectrum no. 2.


Purpose:Returns the final position of a specified node from a static (Aqwa-Librium) analysis.
Notes:Valid freedoms are X, Y, Z, RX, RY, and RZ. Output for the specified node must have been requested in the Aqwa-Librium run using the NODE card in deck 18. Requires the .PLD file for the model. Aqwa-Librium does not produce a .PLD file so it is necessary to open the AGS and read in the .PLT file. A .PLD file will then be generated automatically.
Example:aqlstatposnod(Model,1,2,2,548,Y) returns the y-position of node 548 on structure 1 for mooring configuration no.2 and spectrum no.2.


Purpose:Returns the acceleration of a structures center of gravity at a given time step in a time history analysis.
Notes:Requires the .PLD file for the model. The freedom refers to the FRA. Valid freedoms are X, Y, Z, RX, RY, and RZ. Note that these do not necessarily refer to surge, sway, heave, etc.


Purpose:Returns the articulation reactions associated with a given time step in a time history analysis
Notes:Requires the .PLD file for the model. Valid freedoms are FX, FY, FZ, MX, MY, MZ


Purpose:Returns the fender information associated with a given time step in a time history analysis.
Notes:Requires the .PLD file for the model. Valid results are listed below. Long result names can be abbreviated to the 1st four letters.
Result name Description
FX Force in global X axis
FY Force in global Y axis
FZ Force in global Z axis
Total Total force
Compression Reduction in size of fender
Elastic Force due to compression
Damping Damping force
Friction Friction force
Horizontal Horizontal movement
Vertical Vertical movement


Purpose:Returns the mooring line information associated with a given time step in a time history analysis.
Notes:Requires the .PLD file for the model. Valid freedoms are X, Y, Z, tension, laid length, and uplift. Long freedom names can be abbreviated to the 1st four letters.


Purpose:Returns the number of timesteps in a time history analysis


Purpose:Returns the position of a structures center of gravity associated with a given time step in a time history analysis.
Notes:Requires the .PLD file for the model. The freedom refers to the FRA. Valid freedoms are X, Y, Z, RX, RY, and RZ. Note that these do not necessarily refer to surge, sway, heave, etc.


Purpose:Returns the time (in seconds) associated with a given time step in a time history analysis
Notes:Requires the .PLD file for the model


Purpose:Returns the velocity of a structures center of gravity associates with a given time step in a time history analysis.
Notes:Requires the .PLD file for the model. The freedom refers to the FRA. Valid freedoms are X, Y, Z, RX, RY, and RZ. Note that these do not necessarily refer to surge, sway, heave, etc.


Purpose:Returns the wave directions utilized in the radiation/diffraction analysis, units are degrees
Notes:Direnum is the direction identifier as specified in the Aqwa-Line analysis


Purpose:Returns the ZCGE parameter for a structure in an Aqwa-Line analysis