Chapter 6: Error Codes

The error codes on the left below can be translated into the text on the right with the AQL message function, described previously. Some of these error messages relate to problems within the AQL interface that cannot be corrected by the user. These may arise due to errors within the AQL code, corrupt Aqwa files, or lack of resources such as free memory or file handles.

Error Code Description
#AQL:101 Invalid or missing node number for specified structure
#AQL:102 Structure does not exist in specified model
#AQL:103 Unable to locate or open .RES file for specified model
#AQL:108 Invalid directory path for specified model
#AQL:109 Invalid or missing frequency for specified structure
#AQL:110 Invalid or missing direction for specified structure
#AQL:111 Phase or Amplitude keyword required
#AQL:202 Phase or Amplitude keyword required
#AQL:204 Unable to locate .POS file for specified model
#AQL:205 Unable to open .POS file for specified model
#AQL:212 Invalid time-step requested
#AQL:213 Results are not available for this time-step
#AQL:215 Invalid freedom requested
#AQL:220 Invalid moonpool requested
#AQL:305 Unable to locate .PLD file for specified model
#AQL:314 Invalid or missing plot information requested
#AQL:402 Unable to locate file

The DLL makes use of several standard Aqwa routines for file access, and these may generate error messages that are not covered by the codes above. In this case the Aqwa error messages are echoed to the spreadsheet. They were not intended for outputting to a spreadsheet, because they are usually too long for the cells, so it is necessary to enlarge the cell so that the message can be read.