
Variable-Load Uniaxial Creep Benchmark

Test Description

A 2D box of length L and height L is constrained at left edge in Y-direction and in both X and Y directions at midpoint. A distributed load, σ, is applied on the right edge

Geometric PropertiesMaterial PropertiesLoading
L = 100 mm
Boundary Conditions
Left End: ux = 0
Midpoint of Left End: uy = 0
E = 200 x 103 N/mm2
ν = 0.3
Creep Law: ε = Aσntm
n = 5
m = 0.5
Tensile Stress,σ1, on right edge
Uniaxial Load
σ1 = 200 N/mm2 (t = 0-100 hrs)
σ1 = 250 N/mm2 (t > 100 hrs)


Reference: Creep strain results in X-direction are displayed by incrementing the time every 50 hours ending at 200 hours.

             |   Mechanical APDL   |   RATIO  |         INPUT         |
  S2                 0.2213           1.0016       vmr049-cr3-181 
  S7                 0.3151           1.0004       vmr049-cr3-181 
  S2                 0.2213           1.0016       vmr049-cr3-182 
  S7                 0.3151           1.0004       vmr049-cr3-182 
  S2                 0.2213           1.0016       vmr049-cr3-183 
  S7                 0.3151           1.0004       vmr049-cr3-183 
  S2                 0.2213           1.0016       vmr049-cr3-281 
  S7                 0.3151           1.0004       vmr049-cr3-281 