
Pin-Ended Double Cross: In-Plane Vibration

Test Description

Eight beams of equal length L = 5 equally spaced apart and interconnected at center are constrained in the x and y direction at all 8 beam endpoints. Frequency vibration analysis is performed on the model.

Geometic PropertiesMaterial PropertiesBoundary Conditions
L = 5m
E = 200 x 109 N/m2
ρ = 8000.0 kg/m3
Applied at beam endpoints:
uy = 0
ux = 0


Results are tabulated and displayed as in the NAFEMS manual.

                   |   Mechanical APDL   |   RATIO  |         INPUT         |
  MODE1                     11.3308         0.9995        vmp09-t2-188
  MODE2,3                   17.6659         0.9976        vmp09-t2-188
  MODE4,5,6,7,8             17.6954         0.9992        vmp09-t2-188
  MODE9                     45.4568         1.0025        vmp09-t2-188
  MODE10,11                 57.4029         1.0002        vmp09-t2-188
  MODE12,13,14,15,16        57.7281         1.0059        vmp09-t2-188
  MODE1                     11.3308         0.9995        vmp09-t2-189
  MODE2,3                   17.6659         0.9976        vmp09-t2-189
  MODE4,5,6,7,8             17.6954         0.9992        vmp09-t2-189
  MODE9                     45.4568         1.0025        vmp09-t2-189
  MODE10,11                 57.4029         1.0002        vmp09-t2-189
  MODE12,13,14,15,16        57.7281         1.0059        vmp09-t2-189

Element Mechanical APDL Ratio Test Input