Linear Elastic Analysis on a Z-Section Cantilevered Plate

Test Description

A cantilevered plate of thickness 0.1m is modeled and meshed with shell elements. The model has uniform mesh of eight elements along length and one element across width. Torque load is applied at the end by two uniformly distributed edge shears at each flange. Linear elastic static analysis is performed to compute the axial stress at mid surface point A.

Geometric PropertiesMaterial PropertiesLoading

Thickness = 0.1m

Length = 10m

Flange length = 1m

Width = 2m

Point A is at 2.5m from orgin

Boundary Condition:

All DOF are constrained at X = 0

E = 210E+03 Mpa

υ = 0.3

Torque of 1.2MNm applied at end X=10 by two uniformly distributed edge shears, S = 0.6MN at each flange

Results Comparison

Results are tabulated and displayed as in the NAFEMS manual.

           |    Mechanical APDL    |   RATIO   |        INPUT        |

 SHELL 181

 SXX at A         -111.204             1.030       vmfebsta-le5-181

 SHELL 281

 SXX at A         -116.124             1.075       vmfebsta-le5-281
