
Friction on a Support Block


Reference:F. P. Beer, E. R. Johnston, Jr., Vector Mechanics for Engineers, Statics and Dynamics, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York, NY, 1962, pg. 283, problem 8.2.
Analysis Type(s):Static Analysis (ANTYPE = 0)
Element Type(s):
2D Point-to-Point Contact Elements (CONTAC12)
3D Node-to-Node Contact Elements (CONTA178)
Input Listing:vm29.dat

Test Case

A support block is acted upon by forces Fx and Fy. For a given value of Fy determine the smallest value of Fx which will prevent the support block from sliding down the plane. Also determine the normal force Fn and sliding force Fs at the interface.

Figure 37: Support Block Problem Sketch

Support Block Problem Sketch

Material PropertiesGeometric PropertiesLoading
μ = 0.3
Θ = 20
Fy = 100 lb

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

A real problem of this nature would be solved in a trial-and-error, iterative fashion. In this case the theoretical answer is known, so the solution is verified by the "backward" process described below.

The normal stiffness of the sticking interface is arbitrarily selected at a high value. A value slightly greater than the calculated Fx value of 5.76728 lb is input in the first load step. A slightly lesser value is input in the second load step. The number of sub-steps is limited to one to prevent divergence due to the free motion of the block. The problem is first solved using CONTAC12 elements and then using CONTA178 elements. For CONTA178 elements the contact normals are defined using real constants NX, NY and NZ.

Results Comparison

The sliding force for CONTAC12, a 2D element, is an absolute value. The sliding force for CONTA178, a 3D element, will show the expected +/- sign.

StatusTargetMechanical APDLRatio
CONTAC12 elements
Fx = 5.7674 lb.StickingSticking--
Fn , lb-95.942-95.9421.000
Fs , lb28.78328.7821.000
Fx = 5.76720 lb.SlidingSliding--
Fn , lb-95.942-95.9421.000
Fs , lb28.78328.7831.000
CONTA178 elements
Fx = 5.76724 lb.StickingSticking--
Fn , lb-95.942-95.9421.000
Fs , lb-28.783-28.7821.000
Fx = 5.76720 lb.SlidingSliding--
Fn , lb-95.942-95.9421.000
Fs , lb-28.783-28.7831.000