Chapter 1: NAFEMS Benchmarks Overview

The following section contains Mechanical APDL solutions of several NAFEMS benchmark publications. NAFEMS (National Agency for Finite Element Methods and Standards) has published many excellent technical reports on engineering analysis subjects which have become industry standard benchmarks. Some of those benchmarks have been reproduced here as Verification Manual test cases.

In this chapter benchmarks from the following publications are presented:

FEBSTA - Selected FE Benchmarks in Structural and Thermal Analysis, Davies,et al.,
LSB2 - The Standard NAFEMS benchmark, Report:LSB2
P09 - Free Vibration Benchmarks, Abbassian,F,Dawswell,D J, and Knowles, N C,
R0027 - Fundamental Tests of Creep Behavior, Becker,A A, and Hyde, T H,
R0029 - Assembly Benchmark Tests for 3D Beams and Shell Exhibiting Geometric Non-Linear Behaviour, Prinja, N K, and Clegg, R A,
R0038 - Two Dimensional Test Cases In Post Yield Fracture Mechanics, Remzi, E M
R0049 - Background to Material Non-Linear Benchmarks, Becker, A A
R0031 - Composite Benchmarks, Hardy, S
R0020 - 2D Test Cases in Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics H.L.J.Pang, R.H.Leggat
R0038 - Benchmarks for Radiation and Scattering of Sound

Each different load condition is presented as a problem to be solved by appropriate Mechanical APDL element types. The test case includes a text description of the geometry, material properties, boundary conditions and loads. A results table of the verified solution is included at the end of the description of each test case. Test case inputs for each element type are also included.

If you are interested in the benchmark technical reports, you can contact NAFEMS using the following information;

Whitworth Building
Scottish Enterprise Technology Park
East Kilbride
Glasgow G75 0QD
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 13 55 22 56 88
Fax: +44 13 55 24 91 42
USA Freephone +1 888 601 4207