1.1. Program Overview

The Mechanical APDL element library contains elements for static and dynamic analyses and heat-transfer analyses, and includes many magnetic, field, and special-purpose elements. The variety of elements enables Mechanical APDL to analyze 2D and 3D frame structures, piping systems, 2D plane and axisymmetric solids, 3D solids, flat plates, axisymmetric and 3D shells and nonlinear problems including contact (interfaces) and cables.

The input data for a Mechanical APDL analysis are prepared using a preprocessor. The general preprocessor (PREP7) contains powerful solid modeling and mesh generation capabilities, and is also used to define all other analysis data (geometric properties (real constants), material properties, constraints, loads, etc.), with the benefit of database definition and manipulation of analysis data. Parametric input, user files, macros and extensive online documentation are also available, providing more tools and flexibility for the analyst to define the problem. Extensive graphics capability is available throughout the Mechanical APDL program, including isometric, perspective, section, edge, and hidden-line displays of 3D structures, x-y graphs of input quantities and results, and contour displays of solution results.

A graphical user interface is available throughout the program, to guide new users through the learning process and provide more experienced users with multiple windows, pull-down menus, dialog boxes, tool bar, and online documentation.

The analysis results are reviewed using postprocessors, which have the ability to display distorted geometries, stress and strain contours, flow fields, safety factor contours, contours of potential field results (thermal, electric, magnetic), vector field displays mode shapes and time history graphs. The postprocessors can also be used for algebraic operations, database manipulations, differentiation, and integration of calculated results. Root-sum-square operations may be performed on seismic modal results. Response spectra may be generated from dynamic analysis results. Results from various loading modes may be combined for harmonically loaded axisymmetric structures.