2.4. Example: Static Analysis (Command Method)

Following is an example static analysis of an Allen wrench:

! define parameters for future use
exx=2.07e11      ! young's modulus (2.07e11 pa = 30e6 psi)
w_hex=.01        ! width of hex across flats (.01m=.39in)
*afun,deg        ! units for angular parametric functions
w_flat=w_hex*tan(30)   ! width of flat
l_shank=.075     ! length of shank (short end) (.075m=3.0in)
l_handle=.2      ! length of handle (long end) (.2m=7.9 in)
bendrad=.01      ! bend radius of allen wrench (.01m=.39 in)
l_elem=.0075     ! element length (.0075 m = .30 in)
no_d_hex=2       ! number of divisions on hex flat
tol=25e-6        ! tolerance for selecting nodes (25e-6 m = .001 in)

et,1,solid185,,3 ! eight-node brick element using simplified enhanced
                 ! strain formulation
et,2,plane182,3  ! four-node quadrilateral (for area mesh)using
                 ! simplified enhanced strain formulation
mp,ex,1,exx      ! young's modulus for material 1
mp,prxy,1,0.3    ! poisson's ratio for material 1
rpoly,6,w_flat   ! hexagonal area
k,7              ! keypoint at (0,0,0)
k,8,,,-l_shank   ! keypoint at shank-handle intersection
k,9,,l_handle,-l_shank    ! keypoint at end of handle
l,4,1            ! line through middle of hex shape
l,7,8            ! line along middle of shank
l,8,9            ! line along handle
lfillt,8,9,bendrad    ! line along bend radius between shank and
                      ! handle
/view,,1,1,1     ! isometric view in window 1
/angle,,90,xm    ! rotates model 90 degrees about x
/pnum,line,1     ! line numbers turned on
/pnum,line,0     ! line numbers off
l,1,4            ! hex section is cut into two quadrilaterals
asbl,1,7,,,keep  ! to satisfy mapped meshing requirements for bricks
cm,botarea,area  ! component name botarea for the two areas

! generate area mesh for later drag

lesize,1,,,no_d_hex     ! number of divisions along line 1
type,2                  ! plane182 elements to be meshed first
mshape,0,2d             ! mapped quad mesh
save                    ! save database before meshing
/title,meshed hex wrench end to be used in vdrag

! now drag the 2-d mesh to produce 3-d elements

type,1                 ! type pointer set to solid185
esize,l_elem           ! element size
vdrag,2,3,,,,,8,10,9   ! drag operation to create 3-d mesh
/type,,hidp            ! precise hidden line display
/title,meshed hex wrench
cmsel,,botarea         ! select botarea component and
aclear,all             !    delete the 2-d elements

! apply loads and obtain the solution

antype,static          ! static analysis (default)
/title,allen wrench -- load step 1

! first fix all nodes around bottom of shank

cmsel,,botarea         ! bottom areas of shank
lsel,,ext              ! exterior lines of those areas
nsll,,1                ! nodes on those lines
d,all,all              ! displacement constraints
/pbc,u,,1              ! displacement symbols turned on
/title,boundary conditions on end of wrench

!now apply pressure on handle to represent 100-n (22.5-lb) finger

asel,,loc,y,bendrad,l_handle    ! areas on handle
asel,r,loc,x,w_flat/2,w_flat    ! two areas on one side of handle...
nsla,,1                         !  ...and all corresponding nodes
nsel,r,loc,y,l_handle+tol,l_handle-(3.0*l_elem)-tol   ! reselects
                                ! nodes at back end of handle (3
                                ! element lengths)
*get,minyval,node,,mnloc,y      ! get minimum y value of selected
                                ! nodes
*get,maxyval,node,,mxloc,y      ! get maximum y value of selected
                                ! nodes
ptorq=100/(w_hex*(maxyval-minyval))   ! pressure equivalent to 100 n
sf,all,pres,ptorq               ! ptorq pressure on all selected
                                ! nodes
allsel                          ! restores full set of all entities
/psf,pres,,2                    ! pressure symbols turned on
/title,boundary conditions on wrench for load step 1
lswrite                         ! writes first load step
/title, allen wrench -- load step 2

! downward pressure on top of handle, representing 20-n (4.5 -lb)
! force


asel,,loc,z,-(l_shank+(w_hex/2))   ! area on top flat of handle...
nsla,,1                            !  ...and all corresponding nodes
nsel,r,loc,y,l_handle+tol,l_handle-(3.0*l_elem)-tol   ! reselects
                                   ! nodes at back end of handle (3
                                   ! element lengths)
sf,all,pres,pdown               ! pdown pressure at all selected
                                ! nodes
/title,boundary conditions on wrench for load step 2
lswrite                         ! writes second load step
save                            ! save database before solution
lssolve,1,2              ! initiates solution for load step files 1
                         ! and 2

!review the results
set,1                   ! reads load step 1 results
prrsol                  ! reaction solution listing
/pbc,defa               ! no bc symbols
/psf,defa               ! no surface load symbols
/edge,,1                ! edges only, no interior element outlines
/title,deformed allen wrench caused by torque

pldisp,2                ! deformed shape overlaid with undeformed
                        ! edge plot
/gsave,pldisp,gsav      ! saves graphics specifications on
                        ! pldisp.gsav
/plopts,info,on         ! turns on entire legend column
/plopts,leg1,off        ! turns off legend header
/angle,,120,ym,1        ! additional rotation about model y (to see
                        ! high stress areas)
/title,stress intensity contours caused by torque
plnsol,s,int            ! stress intensity contours
/gsave,plnsol,gsav      ! saves graphics specifications to
                        ! plnsol.gsav
set,2                   ! reads load step 2 results
prrsol                  ! reaction solution listing
/gresume,pldisp,gsav    ! resumes graphics specifications from
                        ! pldisp.gsav
/title,deformed allen wrench caused by torque and force
/gresume,plnsol,gsav    ! resumes graphics specifications from
                        ! plnsol.gsav
/title,stress intensity contours caused by torque and force
wpof,,,-0.067           ! offset the working plane for cross-section
                        ! view
/type,1,5               ! capped hidden display
/cplane,1               ! cutting plane defined to use the wp
/view, 1 ,wp            ! view will be normal to the wp
/dist,1,.01             ! zoom in on the cross section
/title,cross section of the allen wrench under torque and force loading