4.4. Matrix Subroutines

4.4.1. Subroutine maxv (Multiplying a Vector by a Matrix)

      subroutine maxv (a,v,w, nr,nc)
c *** primary function: multiply a matrix by a vector

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c  input arguments:
c     a        (dp,ar(nr,*),in)  - matrix a
c     v        (dp,ar(*),in)     - vector v
c     nr       (int,sc,in)       - number of rows in matrix a
c     nc       (int,sc,in)       - number of columns to multiply in matrix a

c  output arguments:
c     w        (dp,ar(*),out)    - product vector w

4.4.2. Subroutine maxv1 (Multiplying a Vector by a Matrix)

      subroutine maxv1 (a,v, nr,nc)
c *** primary function: multiply a vector by a matrix

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c  input arguments:
c     a        (dp,ar(nr,nc),in) - matrix a
c     v        (dp,ar(nc),inout) - vector v
c     nr       (int,sc,in)       - number of rows in matrix a
c                                  *** nr limited to 60 ***
c     nc       (int,sc,in)       - number of columns to multiply in matrix a

c  output arguments:
c     v        (dp,ar(nr),inout) - product, stored in vector v

4.4.3. Subroutine matxv (Multiplying a Vector by a Full Transposed Matrix)

      subroutine matxv (a,v,w, nr,nc)
c *** primary function: multiply vector by full transposed matrix

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c  input arguments:
c     a        (dp,ar(nr,*),in)   - matrix a (first dimension must = nr)
c     v        (dp,ar(nv),in)     - vector v (nv must be greater or equal
c                                                           to nr)
c     nr       (int,sc,in)        - first dimension and number of active
c                                      rows of the untransposed matrix a
c                                      (also the number of active rows
c                                       of vector v)
c     nc       (int,sc,in)        - number of columns of the untransposed
c                                      matrix a
c                                      (also the number of computed items
c                                      in the product vector w)
c                                      if negative, accumulate

c  output arguments:
c     w        (dp,ar(na,*),out)  - product vector w
c *** mpg A(nr,nc) : matrix transpose vector product
c         w =     A+ v : if nr > 0
c         w = w + A+ v : if nr < 0

4.4.4. Subroutine matxv1 (Multiplying a Vector by a Full Transposed Matrix)

      subroutine matxv1 (a,v, nr,nc)
c *** primary function: multiply vector by full transposed matrix

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c  input arguments:
c     a        (dp,ar(nr,*),in)   - matrix a
c     v        (dp,ar(nr),inout)  - vector v
c     nr       (int,sc,in)        - number of rows in matrix (un-transposed)
c     nc       (int,sc,in)        - number of columns in matrix (un-transposed)
c                                   *** nc limited to 60 ***

c  output arguments:
c     v        (dp,ar(nc),inout)  - product, stored in vector v

c ***     A(nr,nc) : matrix transpose vector product
c         v = A+ v : max 60 nc

4.4.5. Subroutine matxb (Transposing a matrix)

      subroutine matxb (a,b,c, na,nb,nc, n1,n2,n3)
c *** primary function:  (a)t * (b) = (c)     t means transpose

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c  input arguments:
c     a        (dp,ar(na,*),in)   - matrix a
c     b        (dp,ar(nb,*),in)   - matrix b
c     na       (int,sc,in)        - number of rows in matrix a
c     nb       (int,sc,in)        - number of rows in matrix b
c     nc       (int,sc,in)        - number of rows in matrix c
c     n1       (int,sc,in)        - number of rows in matrix c to fill
c     n2       (int,sc,in)        - number of columns in matrix c to fill
c     n3       (int,sc,in)        - number of rows in matrix a and
c                                   number of rows of matrix b
c                                   to work with (the two need
c                                   to be the same for the inner product)
c                                   if n3 is negative, accumulate results in c

c  output arguments:
c     c        (dp,ar(nc,*),out)  - product matrix c

c *** mpg C =     A+ B     if n3 > 0
c         C = C + A+ B     if n3 < 0
c         A(na,*) B(nb,*) C(nc,*)  C:minor n1 * n2  n3: dot length

4.4.6. Subroutine maat (Changing a Matrix Value via Addition, Multiplication, and Transposition)

      subroutine maat(a,c, nc,n, con)
c primary function: does con*a*at and sums the result onto c (a is a vector)

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***
c     typ=int,dp,log,chr,dcp   siz=sc,ar(n)   intent=in,out,inout
c  input arguments:
c     a        (dp,ar(*),in)        - vector to be multiplied by itself to 
c                                     generate an nxn square matrix
c                                      (a by a-transposed)
c     c        (dp,ar(nc,*),inout) - matrix to be accumulated onto
c     nc       (int,sc,in)         - number of rows in the c matrix
c     n        (int,sc,in)         - size of square matrix
c     con      (dp,sc,in)          - multiplier on above square matrix
c  output arguments:
c     c        (dp,ar(nc,*),inout) - matrix to be accumulated onto
c                                     only the lower triangular matrix is done

c         Note:  this routine is usually followed by matsym, 
c                                              to do the complete matrix

4.4.7. Subroutine matba (Updating Matrix Value via Transposition, Multiplications, and Addition)

      subroutine matba (a,b,c,na,nb,nc,n1,n2,work,con)
c primary function:     does con(at*b*a) and sums the result  
c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***
c  input arguments:
c     a        (dp,ar(na,*),in)   - matrix a
c     b        (dp,ar(nb,*),in)   - matrix b (must be square, 
c                                         and maximum dimension is (15,15)
c     c        (dp,ar(nc,*),inout)- matrix c (see output)
c     na       (int,sc,in)        - number of rows in matrix a
c     nb       (int,sc,in)        - number of rows in matrix b
c     nc       (int,sc,in)        - number of rows in matrix c
c     n1       (int,sc,in)        - number of rows in matrix a and
c                                   number of rows of matrix b
c                                   to work with (the two need
c                                   to be the same for the inner product)
c     n2       (int,sc,in)        - number of columns in matrix c to fill
c     con      (dp,sc,in)         - multiplier on product added to sum

c  output arguments:
c     c        (dp,ar(nc,*),inout)- c = c + con*at*b*a
c     work     (dp,ar(n2,*),out)  - at*b (this byproduct is occasionally useful)

c *** C = C + con A+ B A  A(na,*) B(nb,*) C(nc,*)  C:minor n1 * n2
c     see matbabd for block diagonal

4.4.8. Subroutine matsym (Filling the Upper Triangle from the Lower Triangle)

      subroutine matsym (a,nd,n)
c primary function:   fill upper triangle from lower triangle  

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***
c     typ=int,dp,log,chr,dcp   siz=sc,ar(n)   intent=in,out,inout
c  input arguments:
c     a        (dp,ar(nd,*),inout) - matrix to have its lower triangular part
c                                     copied to its upper triangular part
c     nd       (int,sc,in)         - number of rows of the a matrix
c     n        (int,sc,in)         - size of matrix to be processed
c  output arguments:
c     a        (dp,ar(nd,*),inout) - matrix that has its lower triangular part
c                                     copied to its upper triangular part

4.4.9. Subroutine mctac (Transposing a symmetric matrix)

      subroutine mctac (a,na,c,nc,nold,nnew)
c  **** function: do  a = c(transpose) * a * c ,  where a is symmetric  **

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c  input arguments:
c     a        (dp,ar(na,na),inout) matrix to be pre and post multiplied
c                                     (part operated on must be
c                                     square(nold x nold) and symmetric)
c     na       (int,sc,in)          first dimension of the a matrix
c     c        (dp,ar(nc,nnew),in)  matrix to pre and post multiply a by
c                                    (part used may be rectangular(nold x nnew))
c     nc       (int,sc,in)          first dimension of the c matrix
c     nold     (int,sc,in)          size of part of 'A' matrix that is
c                                    to be processed(input size).   maximum = 64
c     nnew     (int,sc,in)          size of part of 'A' matrix that
c                                     results from this operation(output size).
c                                                                   maximum = 64

c  output arguments:
c     a        (dp,ar(na,na),inout) resulting matrix
c                                     (still square(nnew x nnew) and symmetric).

4.4.10. Subroutine tran (Transposing a matrix)

      subroutine tran (zs,tr,nz,ntr,nrow,irot)
c primary function: perform   tr-transpose * zs * tr ************

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c  input arguments:
c     variable (typ,siz,intent)    description
c     zs       (dp,ar(nz,nz),inout) - matrix to be transformed
c     tr       (dp,ar(ntr,ntr),in)  - transformation matrix
c     nz       (int,sc,in)          - dimensioned size of zs matrix
c     ntr      (int,sc,in)          - dimensioned size of tr matrix
c     nrow     (int,sc,in)          - number of rows of zs matrix to transform
c     irot     (int,sc,in)          - block size to transform(size of tr matrix)

c  output arguments:
c     variable (typ,siz,intent)    description
c     zs       (dp,ar(nz,nz),inout) - transformed matrix

4.4.11. Subroutine symeqn (Solving Simultaneous Linear Equations)

      function symeqn (a,nd,n,nc,defFlag)
c primary function:  solve a set of simultaneous linear equations 
c secondary functions: invert a matrix
c          NOTE:  this routine assumes that the matrix to be solved or
c                 inverted is positive or negative definite.  This routine
c                 also assumes that the diagonals are all non-zero. If
c                 this assumption is not true, use isimeq.F.
c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***
c  input arguments:
c     variable (typ,siz,intent)    description
c     a        (dp,ar(nd,*),inout) - matrix to be solved or inverted
c                                      second dimension must be at least:
c                                                               n + abs(nc)
c     nd       (int,sc,in)         - first dimension of the a matrix
c     n        (int,sc,in)         - number of equations
c     nc       (int,sc,in)         - number of additional columns.
c                                      if nc = +n or -n, invert n x n matrix and
c                                      put result in the n+1 to 2xn columns.
c                                      if nc is 0 or negative, nc will be reset to
c                                      n and then symeqn will set up identity
c                                      matrix after the input matrix, where the
c                                      result of the inversion will be put.
c                                      if nc is positive and less than n, do a
c                                      partial inversion. see example 1 below.
c     defFlag  (int,sc,in)         - flag indicating that incoming matrix MUST be:
c                                      -1 - negative definite
c                                       0 - positive or negative definite
c                                       1 - positive definite
c  output arguments:
c     variable (typ,siz,intent)    description
c     symeqn   (in,sc,out)         - 0 - non-singular matrix
c                                    1 - singular matrix
c                                    2 - near-singular matrix
c     a        (dp,ar(nd,*),inout) - results or inverted matrix.
c                                      starts in column n+1.
c                                      note:  original information is destroyed.
c   example 1:   Solve three simultaneous linear equations:
c                      i = symeqn (a(1,1),3,3,1)
c                   calling routine has a dimensioned as a(3,4)
c                   each equation has its 3 coefficents in the first 3 columns,
c                    and the constant term is in the fourth column.
c                   solution is in fourth column.
c   example 2:   Invert a 3x3 matrix:
c                      i = symeqn (a(1,1),3,3,-3)
c                   calling routine has a dimensioned as a(3,6)
c                   input matrix was input in first 3 columns
c                   output matrix in ouput in last 3 columns