3.5. Nodal Loading Routines

The following table provides available body load keys for the routines used to access nodal body load information (ansNodeBodyLoadIqr, ansNodeBodyLoadGet, ansNodeBodyLoadPut, and ansNodeBodyLoadDel).

Table 3.1: Nodal Body Load Keys

KeyInternal LabelBF Cmd LabelMeaning
4BODYLOAD_DGENDGENDiffusing substance genereation rate
5BODYLOAD_MVDIMVDIMagnetic virtual displacement flags
6BODYLOAD_CHRGCHRDGMagnetic virtual displacement flags
11BODYLOAD_PORTPORTInterior waveguide/transmission line port
16BODYLOAD_IMPDIMPDImpedance sheet
18BODYLOAD_FSOUFSOUFluid flow source
22BODYLOAD_SPRESPREStatic pressure
23BODYLOAD_FPBCFPBCFlouqet periodic phase
25BODYLOAD_UFORUFORForce potential (same slot as EF)
26BODYLOAD_HFLWHFLWHeat flow (same slot as EF)
27BODYLOAD_SFORSFORShear force (same slot as VELO)

3.5.1. Function disiqr (Getting Information About Constraints)

      function disiqr (node,key)
c *** primary function: get information about constraints

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        node    (int,sc,in)       - node number for inquire.
c        key     (int,sc,in)       - key as to the information needed
c                          = 1              - return constraint mask
c                          = DB_MAXDEFINED,
c                            DB_NUMDEFINED  - return number of nodal constraints
c                                              NOTE: both DB_MAXDEFINED and 
c                                              DB_NUMDEFINED produce the same 
c                                              functionality

c     output arguments:
c        disiqr   (int,func,out)   - the returned value of disiqr is based on 
c                                    setting of key.

3.5.2. Function disget (Getting a Constraint at a Node)

      function disget (inode,idf,value)
c *** primary function:    get a constraint from the data base (in raw form)

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***
c     input arguments:
c     variable (typ,siz,intent)     description
c        inode    (int,sc,in)       - node number (negative value for no 
c                                                  partabeval)
c        idf      (int,sc,in)       - reference number for the DOF: (1-32)
c    UX  = 1, UY  = 2, UZ  = 3, ROTX= 4, ROTY= 5, ROTZ= 6, AX  = 7, AY  = 8
c    AZ  = 9, VX  =10, VY  =11, VZ  =12, GFV1=13, GFV2=14, GFV3=15, WARP=16
c    CONC=17, HDSP=18, PRES=19, TEMP=20, VOLT=21, MAG =22, ENKE=23, ENDS=24
c    EMF =25, CURR=26, SP01=27, SP02=28, SP03=29, SP04=30, SP05=31, SP06=32
c                                 (missing entries are spares)

c     output arguments:
c        disget   (int,func,out)    - status of constraint.
c                                     = 0 - no constraint on this node 
c                                            for this DOF
c                                     = 4 - this node has a constraint 
c                                            defined for this DOF
c                                     = -4 - this node has a pseudo-support
c                                            defined for this DOF
c        value    (dp,ar(4),out)    - constraint values
c                         value(1-2) - (real,imag) values of present settings
c                         value(3-4) - (real,imag) values of previous settings

3.5.3. Subroutine disput (Storing a Constraint at a Node)

      subroutine disput (node,idf,value)
c *** primary function:    store a constraint at a node.

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        node     (int,sc,in)       - node number
c        idf      (int,sc,in)       - reference number of DOF: (1-32)
c         UX  = 1, UY  = 2, UZ  = 3, ROTX= 4, ROTY= 5, ROTZ= 6, AX  = 7, AY  = 8
c         AZ  = 9, VX  =10, VY  =11, VZ  =12, GFV1=13, GFV2=14, GFV3=15, WARP=16
c         CONC=17, HDSP=18, PRES=19, TEMP=20, VOLT=21, MAG =22, ENKE=23, ENDS=24
c         EMF =25, CURR=26, SP01=27, SP02=28, SP03=29, SP04=30, SP05=31, SP06=32

c        value    (dp,ar(2),in)     - (real,imag) values for constraint

c     output arguments:  none.

3.5.4. Subroutine disdel (Deleting a Constraint at a Node)

      subroutine disdel (node,idf)
c *** primary function:    delete a constraint at a node

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        node     (int,sc,in)       - node number.
c        idf      (int,sc,in)       - reference number of DOF: (1-32)
c         UX  = 1, UY  = 2, UZ  = 3, ROTX= 4, ROTY= 5, ROTZ= 6, AX  = 7, AY  = 8
c         AZ  = 9, VX  =10, VY  =11, VZ  =12, GFV1=13, GFV2=14, GFV3=15, WARP=16
c         CONC=17, HDSP=18, PRES=19, TEMP=20, VOLT=21, MAG =22, ENKE=23, ENDS=24
c         EMF =25, CURR=26, SP01=27, SP02=28, SP03=29, SP04=30, SP05=31, SP06=32

c     output arguments:  none.

3.5.5. Function foriqr (Getting Information About Nodal Loads)

      function foriqr (node,key)
c *** primary function: get information about nodal loads.

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        node     (int,sc,in)       - number of node being inquired about.  
c                                      should be 0 for key=DB_MAXDEFINED or 
c                                      DB_NUMDEFINED
c        key      (dp,sc,in)        - key as to information needed
c                             = 1              - return force mask for node
c                             = DB_MAXDEFINED,
c                               DB_NUMDEFINED  - return number of nodal loadings
c                                                 in model
c                                    NOTE: both DB_MAXDEFINED and DB_NUMDEFINED
c                                    produce the same functionality

c     output arguments:
c        foriqr   (int,func,out)    - the returned value of foriqr is based on 
c                                     setting of key.

3.5.6. Function forget (Getting a Nodal Load at a Node)

      function forget (inode,idf,value)
c *** primary function:    get a force from the data base (in raw form)

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        inode    (int,sc,in)       - node number (negative value for no 
c                                                  partabeval)
c        idf      (int,sc,in)       - reference number for the DOF: (1-32)
c                                     (see echprm.inc)

c     output arguments:
c        forget   (int,func,out)  - status of constraint.
c                                   = 0 - no loading on this node for this DOF
c                                   = 4 - this node has a loading for this DOF
c        value    (dp,ar(4),out)   
c                         value(1-2) - (real,imag) values of present settings
c                         value(3-4) - (real,imag) values of previous settings

3.5.7. Subroutine forput (Storing a Nodal Load at a Node)

      subroutine forput (node,idf,value)
c *** primary function:    store a nodal load at a node

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        node     (int,sc,in)       - node number
c        idf      (int,sc,in)       - reference number for the DOF: (1-32)
c         FX  = 1, FY  = 2, FZ  = 3, MX  = 4, MY  = 5, MZ  = 6, CSGX= 7, CSGY= 8
c         CSGZ= 9, VFX =10, VFY =11, VFZ =12
c         RATE=17           FLOW=19, HEAT=20, AMPS=21, FLUX=22, NPKE=23, NPDS=24
c         CURT=25, VLTG=26           (missing entries are spares)

c        value    (dp,ar(2),in)     - (real,imag) values of force

c     output arguments:  none.

3.5.8. Subroutine fordel (Deleting a Nodal Load at a Node)

      subroutine fordel (node,idf)
c *** primary function:    delete a nodal load at a node
c *** secondary functions: none.

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     typ=int,dp,log,chr,dcp   siz=sc,ar(n),func    intent=in,out,inout

c     input arguments:
c     variable (typ,siz,intent)     description
c        node     (int,sc,in)       - node number
c        idf      (int,sc,in)       - reference number for the DOF: (1-32)
c         FX  = 1, FY  = 2, FZ  = 3, MX  = 4, MY  = 5, MZ  = 6, CSGX= 7, CSGY= 8
c         CSGZ= 9, VFX =10, VFY =11, VFZ =12
c         RATE=17,          FLOW=19, HEAT=20, AMPS=21, FLUX=22, NPKE=23, NPDS=24
c         CURT=25, VLTG=26           (missing entries are spares)

c     output arguments:
c        none.

3.5.9. Function ansNodeBodyLoadIqr (Getting Information About a Nodal Body Load)

      function ansNodeBodyLoadIqr (BODYLOAD_KEY,node,key)
c *** primary function:    get information about a nodal body load

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     typ=int,dp,log,chr,dcp   siz=sc,ar(n),func    intent=in,out,inout

c input arguments:
c  variable (typ,siz,intent)    description
c     BODYLOAD_KEY  (int,sc,in)     - body load key (ansysdef.inc)
c     node          (int,sc,in)     - node number
c                                     should be zero for key=2
c     key           (int,sc,in)     - key for operation
c                                     = 1 - return nodal body load status
c                                     ansNodeBodyLoadIqr 
c                                     = 0 - node has no body load defined 
c                                     = 1 - node has a body load defined  
c                                     = 2 - return total number of nodal body
c                                           load with BODYLOAD_KEY defined in model

c output arguments:
c  ansNodeBodyLoadIqr (int,func,out) - the returned value of ansNodeBodyLoadIqr
c                                   z   is based on setting of key.

3.5.10. Function ansNodeBodyLoadGet (Getting a Nodal Body Load Value)

      function ansNodeBodyLoadGet (BODYLOAD_KEY,node,val)
c *** primary function:    get specified nodal load

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        BODYLOAD_KEY       (int,sc,in)     - body load key (see ansysdef.inc)
c        node               (int,sc,in)     - node number

c     output arguments:
c        ansNodeBodyLoadGet (int,func,out)  - nodal load status of node.
c                                             = 0 - nodal load undefined
c                                             = 1 - nodal load is defined
c        val                (dp,ar(*),out)  - the nodal load (new,old)

3.5.11. Subroutine ansNodeBodyLoadPut (Storing a Nodal Body Load)

      subroutine ansNodeBodyLoadPut (BODYLOAD_KEY,node,nval,val)
c *** primary function:    store nodal body loads

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        BODYLOAD_KEY(int,sc,in)       - body load key (see ansysdef.inc)
c        node        (int,sc,in)       - node number
c        nval        (int,sc,in)       - number of values to put
c        val         (dp ,ar(*),in)    - nodal loads

c     output arguments:  none.

3.5.12. Subroutine ansNodeBodyLoadDel (Deleting a Nodal Body Load)

      subroutine ansNodeBodyLoadDel (BODYLOAD_KEY,node)
c *** primary function:    delete node body loads

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***
c     input arguments:
c     variable (typ,siz,intent)    description
c        BODYLOAD_KEY   (int,sc,in)       - body load key (see ansysdef.inc)
c        node           (int,sc,in)       - node number
c     output arguments:
c        none