3.3. Element Attribute Routines

3.3.1. Function elmiqr (Getting Information About an Element)

      function elmiqr (ielem,key)
c *** primary function:    get information about an element.
c *** secondary functions: set current element pointer to this element.

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem    (int,sc,in)       - element number
c                                     should be zero for key=11, DB_NUMDEFINED,
c                                       DB_NUMSELECTED, DB_MAXDEFINED, DB_MAXRECLENG,
c                                       or 199
c        key      (int,sc,in)       - information flag.
c                 = DB_SELECTED    - return select status:                (1)
c                      elmiqr = 0 - element is undefined.
c                              =-1 - element is unselected.
c                              = 1 - element is selected.
c                 = DB_NUMDEFINED  - return number of defined elements    (12)
c                 = DB_NUMSELECTED - return number of selected elements   (13)
c                 = DB_MAXDEFINED  - return maximum element number used   (14)
c                 = DB_MAXRECLENG  - return maximum record length         (15)
c                                     (int words)
c                 = 2 - return length (int words)
c                 = 3 - return layer number
c                       (for cross reference files return number of entities)
c                 = 4 - return address of first data word
c                 = 5 - return length (in record type units)
c                 = 6 - return compressed record number.
c                 = 11 - return void percent (integer)
c                 = 16 - return location of next record
c                        (this increments the next record count)
c                 = 17 - pointer to start of index
c                 = 18 - return type of file.
c                     elmiqr = 0 - integer
c                             = 1 - double precision
c                             = 2 - real
c                             = 3 - complex
c                             = 4 - character*8
c                             = 7 - index
c                 = 19 - return virtual type of file.
c                     elmiqr = 0 - fixed length (4.4 form)
c                             = 1 - indexed variable length (layer data)
c                             = 2 - xref data tables
c                             = 3 - bitmap data (for 32 data item packed records)
c                             = 4 - data tables (three dimensional arrays)
c                 = 111 - return the maximum number of nodes stored for any element
c                 = 123 - return the maximum number of DP contact data stored for any element
c                 = -1 - material number           ( = -EL_MAT)
c                   -2 - element type              ( = -EL_TYPE)
c                   -3 - real constant number      ( = -EL_REAL)
c                   -4 - element section ID number ( = -EL_SECT)
c                   -5 - coordinate system number  ( = -EL_CSYS)
c                         (see elmcmx for rest)
c                 =-101 - pointer to element integers etc. 
c                            (see elmcmx with elmilg and 1 instead of -101)

c     output arguments:
c        elmiqr  (int,sc,out)  - the returned value of elmiqr is based on 
c                                      setting of key.

3.3.2. Function elmget (Getting an Element's Attributes and Nodes)

      function elmget (ielem,elmdat,nodes)
c *** primary function:    get element attributes and nodes.

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***
c     input arguments:
c        ielem      (int,sc,in)      - element number
c     output arguments:
c        elmget     (int,func,out)    -   status of element.
c                                     elmget = 0 - element undefined
c                                            < 0 - number of nodes on unselected
c                                                  element
c                                            > 0 - number of nodes on selected element
c        elmdat     (int,ar(*),out)    -   element attributes.
c                         elmdat(EL_MAT)   - material number
c                         elmdat(EL_TYPE)  - element type
c                         elmdat(EL_REAL)  - real constant number
c                         elmdat(EL_SECT)  - section number
c                         elmdat(EL_CSYS)  - coordinate system number
c                         elmdat(EL_DEAD)  - death flag (bit 0)
c                                            if clear - alive
c                                            if set   - dead
c                         elmdat(EL_SOLID) - solid model reference
c                         elmdat(EL_SHAPE) - 100*shape + specific shape
c                         elmdat(EL_SHAPE) - 100*shape + specific shape
c                         elmdat(EL_OBJOPTIONS)  - reserved
c                         elmdat(EL_PEXCLUDE) - p element include flag (bit 0)
c                                       if clear - include
c                       (element may need to have its p-level increased)
c                                       if set   - exclude 
c                       (element does not need to have its p-level increased)
c                       EL_PEXCLUDE is also used for the LSDYNA part number
c        nodes     (int,ar,out)      -   node numbers for element

3.3.3. Subroutine elmput (Storing an Element)

      subroutine elmput (ielem,elmdat,nnod,nodes)
c *** primary function:    store element attributes and node numbers.
c *** secondary functions: set current element pointer to this element.

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c *** NOTICE - The user is also responsible for defining the centroid for the
c              element using the elmpct subroutine.  Calling the elmput
c              subroutine will NULL the element centroid previously defined.

c     input arguments:
c        ielem    (int,sc,in)       - element number
c        elmdat   (int,ar(EL_DIM),in) - element attributes.
c                             elmdat(EL_MAT)  - material number
c                                   (EL_TYPE)  - element type
c                                   (EL_REAL)  - real constant number
c                                   (EL_SECT)  - section number 
c                                   (EL_CSYS)  - coordinate system number
c                                   (EL_DEAD)  - death flag (bit 0)
c                                           if clear - alive
c                                           if set   - dead
c                                   (EL_SOLID) - solid model reference
c                                   (EL_SHAPE) - 100*shape + specific shape
c                                   (EL_OBJOPTIONS)  - reserved
c                                   (EL_PEXCLUDE) - p element include flag
c                                           (bit 0)
c                                           if clear - include
c                                           if set   - exclude
c                                           For LSDYNA, it means part ID
c                                           in reqular ANSYS, it is never part ID
c        nnod     (int,sc,in)       - number of nodes for this element.
c        nodes    (int,ar(*),in)    - node numbers for this element.

c     output arguments:  none.

3.3.4. Function etyiqr (Getting a Data Item About an Element Type)

      function etyiqr (itype,key)
c *** primary function:    get information about an element type.

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        itype    (int,sc,in)       - element type number
c                                      Should be 0 for key=11, DB_NUMDEFINED, 
c                                      DB_NUMSELECTED, DB_MAXDEFINED, and 
c                                      DB_MAXRECLENG
c        key      (int,sc,in)       - information flag.
c                 = DB_SELECTED    - return select status:
c                      etyiqr = 0 - element type is undefined.
c                             =-1 - element type is unselected.
c                             = 1 - element type is selected.
c                 = DB_NUMDEFINED  - return number of defined element types
c                 = DB_NUMSELECTED - return number of selected element types
c                 = DB_MAXDEFINED  - return highest element type number defined 
c                 = DB_MAXRECLENG  - return maximum record length (int words)
c                = -n, return element characteristic n from etycom for element 
c                       type itype.
c                      n is correlated to the parameter names in echprm.
c                      see elccmt for definitions of element characteristics.
c                      note- this will not overwrite the current setting of 
c                       etycom.

c     output arguments:
c        etyiqr   (int,func,out)    - the returned value of etyiqr is based on 
c                                      setting of key.

3.3.5. Function etyget (Getting Information About an Element Type)

      function etyget (itype,ielx)
c *** primary function:    get element type data.

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        itype    (int,sc,in)       - element type number

c     output arguments:
c        etyget   (int,func,out)    - status of element type.
c                                     = 0 - element type is undefined.
c                                     < 0 - number of data items on unselected
c                                            element type.
c                                     > 0 - number of data items on selected
c                                            element type.
c        ielx     (int,ar(*),out)   - element type data. see elccmt for
c                                     description of data.

3.3.6. Subroutine etyput (Storing Element Type Data)

      subroutine etyput (itype,n,ielx)
c *** primary function:    store element type data.

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        itype    (int,sc,in)       - element type number for operation.
c        n        (int,sc,in)       - length of data vector to store.
c        ielx     (int,ar(*),in)    - element type data.  see elccmt for
c                                     description.
c     output arguments:  none

3.3.7. Subroutine echrtr (Getting Information About Element Characteristics)

      subroutine echrtr (iott,elcdn,ielc,kerr)
c   primary function: collect all element characteristics based on 
c                                                    ityp,jtyp, and keyopts

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***
c     typ=int,dp,log,chr,dcp   siz=sc,ar(n),func    intent=in,out,inout
c  input arguments:
c     variable (typ,siz,intent)      description
c     iott     (int,sc,in)            - printout file
c     ielc     (int,ar(IELCSZ),inout) - input element characteristics
c                                      in positions 1 to 20.
c                                      (itype, jstif, keyopts, etc.)
c  output arguments:
c     elcdn    (chr,sc,out)           - element descriptive name as character 
c                                        string
c     ielc     (int,ar(IELCSZ),inout) - input element characteristics
c                                        in positions 21 to 150.
c                                        (kdim, ishap, idegen, etc.)
c                                        see elccmt for a full list
c     kerr     (int,sc,out)           - error flag 
c                                       = 0 - no errors 
c                                       = 1 - errors

3.3.8. Subroutine etysel (Selecting, Unselecting, Deleting, or Inverting an Element Type)

      subroutine etysel (itypi,ksel)
c *** primary function:    to select, unselect, delete, or invert an
c                          element type.
c *** secondary functions: none.
c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***
c     typ=int,dp,log,chr,dcp   siz=sc,ar(n),func    intent=in,out,inout
c     input arguments:
c        variable (typ,siz,intent)    description
c        itypi    (int,sc,in)       - element type number
c                                     = 0 - all element types
c        ksel     (int,sc,in)       - type of operation to be performed.
c                                     = 0 - delete element type.
c                                     = 1 - select element type.
c                                     =-1 - unselect element type.
c                                     = 2 - invert element type.
c     output arguments:
c        none.

3.3.9. Function mpinqr (Getting Information About a Material Property)

      function mpinqr (mat,iprop,key)
c *** primary function:    get information about a material property.

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        mat      (int,sc,in)       - material number
c                                      should be 0 for key=11,
c                                      DB_NUMDEFINED(12),
c                                      DB_MAXDEFINED(14), and 
c                                      DB_MAXRECLENG(15)

c        iprop    (int,sc,in)       - property reference number:
c         if iprop = 0, test for existence of any material property with this
c                  material number (with key = DB_SELECTED(1))
c        ---- MP command labels --------
c        EX  = 1, EY  = 2, EZ  = 3, NUXY= 4, NUYZ= 5, NUXZ= 6, GXY = 7, GYZ = 8
c        GXZ = 9, ALPX=10, ALPY=11, ALPZ=12, DENS=13, MU  =14, DAMP=15, KXX =16
c        KYY =17, KZZ =18, RSVX=19, RSVY=20, RSVZ=21, C   =22, HF  =23, VISC=24
c        EMIS=25, ENTH=26, LSST=27, PRXY=28, PRYZ=29, PRXZ=30, MURX=31, MURY=32
c        MURZ=33, PERX=34, PERY=35, PERZ=36, MGXX=37, MGYY=38, MGZZ=39, EGXX=40
c        EGYY=41, EGZZ=42, SBKX=43, SBKY=44, SBKZ=45, SONC=46, DMPS=47, ELIM=48
c        USR1=49, USR2=50, USR3=51, USR4=51, FLUI=53, ORTH=54, CABL=55, RIGI=56
c        HGLS=57, BVIS=58, QRAT=59, REFT=60, CTEX=61, CTEY=62, CTEZ=63, THSX=64,
c        THSY=65, THSZ=66, DMPR=67, LSSM=68, BETD=69, ALPD=70, RH  =71, DXX =72,
c        DYY =73, DZZ =74, BETX=75, BETY=76, BETZ=77, CSAT=78, CREF=79, CVH =80,
c        UMID=81, UVID=82
c               (see mpinit for uncommented code and for TB command information)

c        key      (int,sc,in)       - key as to the information needed
c                                     about material property.
c             = DB_SELECTED(1)- return select status:
c                        mpinqr = 0 - material prop is undefined.
c                               = 1 - material prop is selected.
c             = DB_NUMDEFINED(12) - number of defined material properties
c             = DB_MAXDEFINED(14) - highest material property number defined
c             = DB_MAXRECLENG(15) - maximum record length (dp words)
c             =  2 - return length (dp words)
c             =  3 - return number of temp. values
c             = 11 - return void percent (integer) 

c     output arguments:
c        mpinqr   (int,func,out)    - returned value of mpinqr is based on 
c                                      setting of key.

3.3.10. Function mpget (Getting a Material Property Table)

      function mpget (mat,iprop,temp,prop)
c *** primary function:    get a material property table.

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     typ=int,dp,log,chr,dcp   siz=sc,ar(n),func    intent=in,out,inout

c     input arguments:
c        variable (typ,siz,intent)    description
c        mat      (int,sc,in)       - material number
c        iprop    (int,sc,in)       - property reference number:
c        ---- MP command labels --------
c        EX  = 1, EY  = 2, EZ  = 3, NUXY= 4, NUYZ= 5, NUXZ= 6, GXY = 7, GYZ = 8
c        GXZ = 9, ALPX=10, ALPY=11, ALPZ=12, DENS=13, MU  =14, DAMP=15, KXX =16
c        KYY =17, KZZ =18, RSVX=19, RSVY=20, RSVZ=21, C   =22, HF  =23, VISC=24
c        EMIS=25, ENTH=26, LSST=27, PRXY=28, PRYZ=29, PRXZ=30, MURX=31, MURY=32
c        MURZ=33, PERX=34, PERY=35, PERZ=36, MGXX=37, MGYY=38, MGZZ=39, EGXX=40
c        EGYY=41, EGZZ=42, SBKX=43, SBKY=44, SBKZ=45, SONC=46, DMPS=47, ELIM=48
c        USR1=49, USR2=50, USR3=51, USR4=51, FLUI=53, ORTH=54, CABL=55, RIGI=56
c        HGLS=57, BVIS=58, QRAT=59, REFT=60, CTEX=61, CTEY=62, CTEZ=63, THSX=64,
c        THSY=65, THSZ=66, DMPR=67, LSSM=68, BETD=69, ALPD=70, RH =71,  DXX =72,
c        DYY =73, DZZ =74, BETX=75, BETY=76, BETZ=77, CSAT=78, CREF=79, CVH =80,
c        UMID=81, UVID=82
c                   (see mpinit for uncommented code and TB command information)

c     output arguments:
c        mpget   (int,func,out)     - number of temperature values
c        temp    (dp,ar(mpget),out) - vector of the temperature values
c        prop    (dp,ar(mpget),out) - vector of the property values

3.3.11. Subroutine mpput (Storing a Material Property Table)

      subroutine mpput (mat,iprop,ntab,temp,prop)
c *** primary function:    store material property tables.

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        mat      (int,sc,in)       - material number.
c        iprop    (int,sc,in)       - property reference number:
c        ---- MP command labels --------
c        EX  = 1, EY  = 2, EZ  = 3, NUXY= 4, NUYZ= 5, NUXZ= 6, GXY = 7, GYZ = 8
c        GXZ = 9, ALPX=10, ALPY=11, ALPZ=12, DENS=13, MU  =14, DAMP=15, KXX =16
c        KYY =17, KZZ =18, RSVX=19, RSVY=20, RSVZ=21, C   =22, HF  =23, VISC=24
c        EMIS=25, ENTH=26, LSST=27, PRXY=28, PRYZ=29, PRXZ=30, MURX=31, MURY=32
c        MURZ=33, PERX=34, PERY=35, PERZ=36, MGXX=37, MGYY=38, MGZZ=39, EGXX=40
c        EGYY=41, EGZZ=42, SBKX=43, SBKY=44, SBKZ=45, SONC=46, DMPS=47, ELIM=48
c        USR1=49, USR2=50, USR3=51, USR4=51, FLUI=53, ORTH=54, CABL=55, RIGI=56
c        HGLS=57, BVIS=58, QRAT=59, REFT=60, CTEX=61, CTEY=62, CTEZ=63, THSX=64,
c        THSY=65, THSZ=66, DMPR=67, LSSM=68, BETD=69, ALPD=70, RH  =71, DXX =72,
c        DYY =73, DZZ =74, BETX=75, BETY=76, BETZ=77, CSAT=78, CREF=79, CVH =80,
c        UMID=81, UVID=82
c                   (see mpinit for uncommented code and TB command information)

c        ntab     (int,sc,in)       - number of entries in the table
c                                      (1 to 100)
c        tem     (dp,ar(ntab),in)  - temperature vector (ascending)
c        prp     (dp,ar(ntab),in)  - property vector

c     output arguments:
c        none.

3.3.12. Subroutine mpdel (Deleting a Material Property Table)

      subroutine mpdel (mat,iprop)
c *** primary function:    delete material property tables.

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        mat      (int,sc,in)       - material number.
c        iprop    (int,sc,in)       - property reference number:
c                                      (0 = all properties)
c        ---- MP command labels --------
c        EX  = 1, EY  = 2, EZ  = 3, NUXY= 4, NUYZ= 5, NUXZ= 6, GXY = 7, GYZ = 8
c        GXZ = 9, ALPX=10, ALPY=11, ALPZ=12, DENS=13, MU  =14, DAMP=15, KXX =16
c        KYY =17, KZZ =18, RSVX=19, RSVY=20, RSVZ=21, C   =22, HF  =23, VISC=24
c        EMIS=25, ENTH=26, LSST=27, PRXY=28, PRYZ=29, PRXZ=30, MURX=31, MURY=32
c        MURZ=33, PERX=34, PERY=35, PERZ=36, MGXX=37, MGYY=38, MGZZ=39, EGXX=40
c        EGYY=41, EGZZ=42, SBKX=43, SBKY=44, SBKZ=45, SONC=46, DMPS=47, ELIM=48
c        USR1=49, USR2=50, USR3=51, USR4=51, FLUI=53, ORTH=54, CABL=55, RIGI=56
c        HGLS=57, BVIS=58, QRAT=59, REFT=60, CTEX=61, CTEY=62, CTEZ=63, THSX=64,
c        THSY=65, THSZ=66, DMPR=67, LSSM=68, BETD=69, ALPD=70, RH  =71, DXX =72,
c        DYY =73, DZZ =74, BETX=75, BETY=76, BETZ=77, CSAT=78, CREF=79, CVH =80,
c        UMID=81, UVID=82
c               (see mpinit for uncommented code and for TB command information)

c     output arguments:  none.

3.3.13. Function rlinqr (Getting Information About a Real Constant Set)

      function rlinqr (nreal,key)
c *** primary function:    get information about a real constant set
c *** secondary functions: none

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     typ=int,dp,log,chr,dcp   siz=sc,ar(n),func    intent=in,out,inout

c  input arguments:
c        variable (typ,siz,intent)    description
c        nreal   (int,sc,in)       - real constant table number
c                                      should be 0 for key=11, DB_NUMDEFINED,
c                                      DB_NUMSELECTED, DB_MAXDEFINED, and
c                                      DB_MAXRECLENG
c        key      (int,sc,in)       - information flag.
c             = 5              - return number of values stored for nreal
c             = DB_SELECTED    - return select status
c                      rlinqr = 0 - real constant table is undefined.
c                             =-1 - real constant table is unselected.
c                             = 1 - real constant table is selected
c             = DB_NUMDEFINED  - return number of defined real constant tables
c             = DB_NUMSELECTED - return number of selected real constant tables
c             = DB_MAXDEFINED  - return highest real constant table defined
c             = DB_MAXRECLENG  - return maximum record length (dp words)

c  output arguments:
c        rlinqr   (int,func,out)    - the returned value of rlinqr is based on 
c                                      setting of key.

3.3.14. Function rlget (Getting Real Constant Data)

      function rlget (nreal,rtable)
c *** primary function:    get real constant data

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        nreal    (int,sc,in)       - real constant table number

c     output arguments:
c        rlget    (int,func,out)    - number of real constant data obtained
c        rtable   (dp,ar(*),out)    - real constant data obtained

3.3.15. Subroutine rlsel (Selecting or Deleting a Real Constant Set)

      subroutine rlsel (nreai,ksel)
c *** primary function:    select or delete a real constant set
c *** secondary functions: none
c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***
c     typ=int,dp,log,chr,dcp   siz=sc,ar(n),func    intent=in,out,inout
c  input arguments:
c     variable (typ,siz,intent)    description
c     nreai    (int,sc,in)       - real constant table
c                                  = 0 - all real constant tables
c     ksel     (int,sc,in)       - type of operation to be performed.
c                                  = 0 - delete real constant table.
c                                  = 1 - select real constant table.
c                                  =-1 - unselect real constant table.
c                                  = 2 - invert real constant table.
c  output arguments:
c     none

3.3.16. Function csyiqr (Getting Information About a Coordinate System)

      function csyiqr (ncsy,key)
c *** primary function:    get information about a coordinate system

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c  input arguments:
c     ncsy     (int,sc,in)       - coordinate system reference number
c                                   should be zero for key= DB_NUMDEFINED 
c                                   or DB_MAXDEFINED
c     key      (int,sc,in)       - information flag.
c              = DB_SELECTED    - return status:
c                            csyiqr = 0 - coordinate system is not defined
c                                    -1 - coordinate system is not selected
c                                     1 - coordinate system is selected
c              = DB_NUMDEFINED  - number of defined coordinate systems
c              = DB_MAXDEFINED  - maximum coordinate system reference 
c                                 number used.

c  output arguments:
c     csyiqr   (int,func,out)    - the returned value of csyiqr is based on 
c                                   setting of key.

3.3.17. Function csyget (Getting a Coordinate System)

      function csyget (ncsy,csydpx,csyinx)
c *** primary function:    get a coordinate system
c *** secondary functions: none

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c  NOTE:  As a time-saving device, this routine will not fetch the coordinate 
c         system data from the database (an expensive operation) 
c         if ncsy = csyinx(4), as this would indicate that the data is current.
c         If you wish to force this routine to fetch coordinate system data (in
c         the case of loading a local array, for example), you MUST set 
c         ncsy != csyinx(4) before function call.

c     typ=int,dp,log,chr,dcp   siz=sc,ar(n),func    intent=in,out,inout

c  input arguments:
c     variable (typ,siz,intent)    description                  csycom name
c     ncsy     (int,sc,in)       - coordinate system number
c     csyinx(4) (int,sc,inout)   - coordinate system number     csyact

c  output arguments:
c     csydpx   (dp,ar(18),out)  
c                         csydpx(1-9)   - transformation matrix
c                               (10-12) - origin (XC, YC, ZC)
c                               (13-14) - coordinate system parameters  cparm
c                                                                       cparm2
c                               (15)    - spare
c                               (16-18) - defining angles
c     csyinx   (int,ar(6),out)   
c                         csyinx(1-2)   - theta, phi singularity keys
c                               (3)     - coordinate system type        icdsys
c         (csyinx(4) is inout)  (4)     - coordinate system number      csyact
c                               (5)     - spare
c                               (6)     - spare
c     csyget   (int,func,out)      - status of coordinate system
c                                   = 0 - coordinate system exists
c                                   = 1 - coordinate system doesn't exist

3.3.18. Subroutine csyput (Storing a Coordinate System)

      subroutine csyput (ncsy,csydpx,csyinx)
c *** primary function:    store a coordinate system

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c  input arguments:
c     ncsy     (int,sc,in)       - coordinate system number
c     csydpx   (dp,ar(18),out)
c                         csydpx(1-9)   - transformation matrix
c                               (10-12) - origin (XC, YC, ZC)
c                               (13-14) - coordinate system parameters     cparm
c                                                                         cparm2
c                               (15)    - spare
c                               (16-18) - defining angles
c     csyinx   (int,ar(6),out)   
c                         csyinx(1-2) - theta, phi singularity keys
c                               (3)   - coordinate system type            icdsys
c                               (4)   - coordinate system number          csyact
c                               (5)   - spare
c                               (6)   - spare

c  output arguments: none

3.3.19. Subroutine csydel (Deleting a Coordinate System)

      subroutine csydel (ncsy)
c *** primary function:    delete a coordinate system
c *** secondary functions: none
c     typ=int,dp,log,chr,dcp   siz=sc,ar(n),func    intent=in,out,inout
c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***
c  input arguments:
c     variable (typ,siz,intent)    description
c     ncsy     (int,sc,in)       - coordinate system number
c  output arguments:
c     none

3.3.20. Subroutine userac (Demonstrates Use of Element Attribute Routines)

See Subroutine userac (Accessing Element Information) for an example that demonstrates how to use the userac subroutine to extract information about an element type and element real constants from the Mechanical APDL database. You can find this subroutine on your product-distribution media.