3.7. Results Information Routines

3.7.1. Function dspiqr (Getting Information About Nodal Results)

      function dspiqr (node,key)
c *** primary function: get information about nodal results

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        node    (int,sc,in)       - node number
c                                    = 0 - return information based on the setting of key
c                                    > 0 - return result mask for given node
c        key     (int,sc,in)       - key as to the information needed
c                                      when node > 0 and key = 1 --> return result mask for given node
c                                      when node = 0 and key = DB_MAXRECLENG --> return maximum record length (dp words)
c                                                                                NOTE: only supported with database (not object)
c                                      when node = 0 and key = any other value --> return number of calculated displacements in model

c     output arguments:
c        dspiqr   (int,func,out)   - the returned value of dspiqr is based on setting of node/key

3.7.2. Function dspget (Getting a Nodal Result from the Database)

      function dspget (node,ndf,idf,value)
c *** primary function:    get a nodal result from the data base

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        node     (int,sc,in)       - node number
c        ndf      (int,sc,in)       - number of results requested
c        idf      (int,ary(ndf),in) - reference number for the DOF: (1-32)
c    UX  = 1, UY  = 2, UZ  = 3, ROTX= 4, ROTY= 5, ROTZ= 6, AX  = 7, AY  = 8
c    AZ  = 9, VX  =10, VY  =11, VZ  =12, GFV1=13, GFV2=14, GFV3=15, WARP=16
c    CONC=17, HDSP=18, PRES=19, TEMP=20, VOLT=21, MAG =22, ENKE=23, ENDS=24
c    EMF =25, CURR=26, SP01=27, SP02=28, SP03=29, SP04=30, SP05=31, SP06=32
c                                 (missing entries are spares)

c     output arguments:
c        value    (dp,ar(ndf),out)  - result values

3.7.3. Subroutine dspput (Storing a Result at a Node)

      subroutine dspput (node,ndf,idf,value)
c *** primary function:    store a result at a node.

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        node     (int,sc,in)       - node number
c        ndf      (int,sc,in)       - number of results to be stored 
c        idf      (int,ary(ndf),in) - reference number for the DOF: (1-32)
c        value    (dp,ar(ndf),in)   -  displacement values

c     output arguments:  none

3.7.4. Subroutine dspdel (Deleting a Result at a Node)

      subroutine dspdel (node,ndf,idf)
c *** primary function:    delete a result at a node

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        node     (int,sc,in)       - node number. (0 to delete DOF at all
c                                      nodes)
c        ndf      (int,sc,in)       - number of DOFs to delete (0 to delete 
c                                      all DOFs)
c        idf      (int,ar(*),in)    - reference number for the DOF: (1-32)
c         UX  = 1, UY  = 2, UZ  = 3, ROTX= 4, ROTY= 5, ROTZ= 6, AX  = 7, AY  = 8
c         AZ  = 9, VX  =10, VY  =11, VZ  =12, GFV1=13, GFV2=14, GFV3=15, WARP=16
c         CONC=17, HDSP=18, PRES=19, TEMP=20, VOLT=21, MAG =22, ENKE=23, ENDS=24
c         EMF =25, CURR=26, SP01=27, SP02=28, SP03=29, SP04=30, SP05=31, SP06=32

c     output arguments:  none

3.7.5. Function emsiqr (Getting Information About an Element's Miscellaneous Summable Data)

      function emsiqr (ielem,key)
c *** primary function:    get information about element misc summable data

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem     (int,sc,in)      - element number (or zero, see below)
c        key     (int,sc,in)        - key as to the information needed
c                     =  1 - return info about misc summed data records
c                                   ielem > 0 - return number of misc summed
c                                                data items for this element
c                                                (record length)
c                                         = 0 - return maximum number of misc
c                                                summed data items on any 
c                                                element (max record length)
c                     = DB_NUMDEFINED - return total number of misc summed data
c                                        items defined in model

c     output arguments:
c        emsiqr   (int,func,out)    - the returned value of emsiqr is based on 
c                                       setting of key

3.7.6. Function emsget (Getting an Element's Miscellaneous Summable Data)

      function emsget (ielem,value)
c *** primary function:    get element misc summable data.

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem    (int,sc,in)       - element number

c     output arguments:
c        emsget   (int,func,out)    - status of element.
c                                     = 0 - element is undefined
c                                     > 0 - number of data items returned
c        value    (dp,ar(*),out)    - element misc summed data.

c                                   NOTE: the contents of this record is element
c                                       dependent.  See SMISC on ETABLE command

3.7.7. Subroutine emsput (Storing an Element's Miscellaneous Summable Data)

      subroutine emsput (ielem,nval,value)
c *** primary function:    store misc. summable data for an element.

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem     (int,sc,in)       - element number
c        nval      (int,sc,in)       - number of values to be stored
c        value    (dp,ar(nval),in)   - the misc summed data values

c     output arguements:  none
c                                   NOTE: the contents of this record is element
c                                       dependent.  See SMISC on ETABLE command

3.7.8. Subroutine emsdel (Deleting an Element's Miscellaneous Summable Data)

      subroutine emsdel (ielem)
c *** primary function:    delete element misc summable data

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem    (int,sc,in)       - element number
c                                     = 0 - delete for all defined elements

c     output arguments:  none.

3.7.9. Function enfiqr (Getting Information About Element Nodal Forces)

      function enfiqr (ielem,key)
c *** primary function: get information about element nodal forces

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem     (int,sc,in)      - element number (or zero, see below)
c        key     (int,sc,in)        - key as to the information needed
c                     =  1 - return info about element nodal forces
c                                   ielem > 0 - return number of element nodal
c                                                 forces for this element
c                                                 (record length)
c                                         = 0 - return maximum number of element
c                                                 nodal forces on any element 
c                                                 (max record length)
c                     = DB_NUMDEFINED - return total number of element nodal
c                                        forces defined in model

c     output arguments:
c        enfiqr   (int,func,out)    - the returned value of enfiqr is based on 
c                                       setting of key

3.7.10. Function enfget (Getting an Element's Nodal Forces)

      function enfget (ielem,value)
c *** primary function:    get element nodal forces.

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem    (int,sc,in)       - element number

c     output arguments:
c        enfget   (int,func,out)    - status of element.
c                                     = 0 - element has no nodal forces
c                                     > 0 - number of nodal forces returned
c        value    (dp,ar(*),out)    - element nodal forces

3.7.11. Subroutine enfput (Storing an Element's Nodal Forces)

      subroutine enfput (ielem,nval,value)
c *** primary function:    store nodal force results at an element.

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem     (int,sc,in)       - element number
c        nval      (int,sc,in)       - the total number of values
c                                      NOTE: There may be a maximum of 3 sets of
c                                     nodal forces in the record: static
c                                     forces, inertia forces, and damping forces
c        value    (dp,ar(nval),in)   - nodal force results

c     output arguments:  none

3.7.12. Subroutine enfdel (Deleting an Element's Nodal Forces)

      subroutine enfdel (ielem)
c *** primary function:    delete element nodal forces data

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem    (int,sc,in)       - element number
c                                     = 0 - delete for all defined elements

c     output arguments:  none.

3.7.13. Function ensiqr (Getting Information About an Element's Nodal Stresses)

      function ensiqr (ielem,key)
c *** primary function: get information about element nodal stresses

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem     (int,sc,in)      - element number (or zero, see below)
c        key     (int,sc,in)        - key as to the information needed
c                     =  1 - return info about element nodal stresses
c                                   ielem > 0 - return number of element nodal
c                                                 stresses for this element
c                                                 (record length)
c                                         = 0 - return maximum number of element
c                                                 nodal stresses on any element 
c                                                 (max record length)
c                     = DB_NUMDEFINED - return total number of element
c                                       nodal stresses defined in model

c     output arguments:
c        ensiqr   (int,func,out)    - the returned value of ensiqr is based on 
c                                       setting of key

3.7.14. Function ensget (Getting an Element's Nodal Stresses)

      function ensget (ielem,value)
c *** primary function:    get element nodal stresses.

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem    (int,sc,in)       - element number

c     output arguments:
c        ensget   (int,func,out)    - status of element.
c                                     = 0 - element undefined
c                                     > 0 - number of nodal stresses
c                                            returned
c        value    (dp,ar(*),out)    - element nodal stresses

c                               NOTE: Stresses at each corner node in the order
c                                        X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ, S1, S2, S3, SI, SE
c                                     For solid elements, stresses at each 
c                                        corner node
c                                     For shell elements, stresses at each 
c                                        corner node (first top durface, then
c                                        bottom)
c                                     For layered elements (w/KEYOPT(8)=0),
c                                        stresses for "first" layer at each
c                                        corner node (first at the bottom 
c                                        surface of the bottom layer, then the 
c                                        top surface of the top layer).
c                                        Stresses for "second" layer at each
c                                        corner node (first the bottom surface,
c                                        then the top surface for the layer with
c                                        the largest failure criteria).
c                                        The second layer is not present if
c                                        failure criteria were not used or are 
c                                        not appropriate
c                                     For layered elements (w/KEYOPT(8)=1),
c                                        stresses for each layer at each corner
c                                        node (first at the bottom surface, then
c                                        the top surface)
c                                     For beam elements, the contents of this
c                                        record is element depenent.  See LS
c                                        item of ETABLE command.

3.7.15. Subroutine ensput (Storing Nodal Stresses at an Element)

      subroutine ensput (ielem,nval,value)
c *** primary function:    store nodal stresses at an element.

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem     (int,sc,in)       - element number
c        nval      (int,sc,in)       - the total number of values
c                                      (11*nnod*nface)
c        value    (dp,ar(nval),in)   - the stress values

c     output arguments:  none

c                               NOTE: Stresses at each corner node in the order
c                                        X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ, S1, S2, S3, SI, SE
c                                     For solid elements, stresses at each 
c                                        corner node
c                                     For shell elements, stresses at each 
c                                        corner node (first top surface, then
c                                        bottom)
c                                     For layered elements (w/KEYOPT(8)=0),
c                                        stresses for "first" layer at each
c                                        corner node (first at the bottom 
c                                        surface of the bottom layer, then the 
c                                        top surface of the top layer).
c                                        Stresses for "second" layer at each
c                                        corner node (first the bottom surface,
c                                        then the top surface for the layer with
c                                        the largest failure criteria).
c                                        The second layer is not present if
c                                        failure criteria were not used or are 
c                                        not appropriate
c                                     For layered elements (w/KEYOPT(8)=1),
c                                        stresses for each layer at each corner
c                                        node (first at the bottom surface, then
c                                        the top surface)
c                                     For beam elements, the contents of this
c                                        record is element depenent.  See LS
c                                        item of ETABLE command.

3.7.16. Subroutine ensdel (Deleting an Element's Nodal Stresses)

      subroutine ensdel (ielem)
c *** primary function:    delete element nodal stresses

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem    (int,sc,in)       - element number
c                                     = 0 - delete for all defined elements

c     output arguments:  none.

3.7.17. Function esfiqr (Getting Information About Element Surface Stress Data)

      function esfiqr (ielem,key)
c *** primary function:    get information about element surface stress data

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem     (int,sc,in)      - element number (or zero, see below)
c        key     (int,sc,in)        - key as to the information needed
c                 = 1 - return info about surface stress 
c                         ielem > 0 - return number of surface stresses on this
c                                      element (rec length)
c                               = 0 - return maximum number of surface stresses
c                                      on any element (max rec length)
c                 = DB_NUMDEFINED - return the number of surface stresses 
c                                    defined in model

c     output arguments:
c        esfiqr   (int,func,out)    - the returned value of esfiqr is based on 
c                                       setting of key

3.7.18. Function esfget (Getting Element Surface Stress Data)

      function esfget (ielem,value)
c *** primary function:    get element surface stress data.

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem    (int,sc,in)       - element number

c     output arguments:
c        esfget   (int,func,out)    - status of element.
c                                     = 0 - element undefined
c                                     > 0 - number of values returned
c        value    (dp,ar(*),out)    - element surface stress data.

3.7.19. Subroutine esfput (Storing Element Surface Stress Data)

      subroutine esfput (ielem,nval,value)
c *** primary function:    store surface stresses for an element.

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem     (int,sc,in)       - element number
c        nval      (int,sc,in)       - the total number of values
c                                       (19 * number of stress faces)
c                                       There is a max of 2 stress faces
c        value    (dp,ar(nval),in)   - the values

c     output arguments:  none

3.7.20. Subroutine esfdel (Deleting an Element's Surface Stress Data)

      subroutine esfdel (ielem)
c *** primary function:    delete element surface stress data

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem    (int,sc,in)       - element number
c                                     = 0 - delete for all defined elements

c     output arguments:  none.

3.7.21. Function engiqr (Getting Information About an Element's Energies)

      function engiqr (ielem,key)
c *** primary function: get information about element energies

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem     (int,sc,in)      - element number (or zero, see below)
c        key     (int,sc,in)        - key as to the information needed
c                 =  1 - return info about element energies
c                             ielem > 0 - return number of element energies on 
c                                          this element (rec length)
c                                   = 0 - return maximum number of element
c                                          energies on any element
c                                          (max rec length)
c                 = DB_NUMDEFINED - return the number of element energies 
c                                    defined in model

c     output arguments:
c        engiqr   (int,func,out)    - the returned value of engiqr is based on 
c                                       setting of key

3.7.22. Function engget (Getting an Element's Energies)

      function engget (ielem,value)
c *** primary function:    get element energies.

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem   (int,sc,in)           - element number

c     output arguments:
c        engget  (int,func,out)        - status of element.
c                                        =  0 - element undefined
c                                        = MAXENG+1 - energies returned (see in echprm.inc)
c        value   (dp,ar(MAXENG+1),out) - volume and energies
c                               value(1) = volume of element
c                                    (2) = stiffness energy 
c                                    (3) = artificial hourglass energy
c                                    (4) = kinetic energy
c                                    (5) = plastic energy
c                                    (6) = creep energy
c                                    (7) = stabilization energy
c                                    (8) = strain energy density
c                                    (9) = thermal energy
c                                   (10) = viscous regularization energy for CZM
c                                   (11) = sparse (future friction energy)
c                                   (12) = damping energy
c                                   (13) = external work by element load
c                                   (14) = stiffness energy amplitude
c                                   (15) = kinetic energy amplitude
c                                   (16) = stiffness energy peak
c                                   (17) = kinetic energy peak
c                                   (18) = intermediate result for stif. energ. amplitude
c                                          in harmonic analysis 1
c                                   (19) = intermediate result for kin. energ. amplitude
c                                          in harmonic analysis 1
c                                   (20) = intermediate result for stif. energ. amplitude
c                                          in harmonic analysis 2
c                        (21 = MAXENG+1) = intermediate result for kin. energ. amplitude
c                                          in harmonic analysis 2

3.7.23. Subroutine engput (Storing an Element's Energies and Volume)

      subroutine engput (ielem,nval,value)
c *** primary function:    store volume and energies for an element.

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem  (int,sc,in)          - element number
c        nval   (int,sc,in)          - the total number of values to be stored 
c                                      must be MAXENG (see in echprm.inc)
c        value  (dp,ar(MAXENG+1),in) - volume and energies
c                               value(1) = volume of element
c                                    (2) = stiffness energy 
c                                    (3) = artificial hourglass energy
c                                    (4) = kinetic energy
c                                    (5) = plastic energy
c                                    (6) = creep energy
c                                    (7) = stabilization energy
c                                    (8) = strain energy density
c                                    (9) = thermal energy
c                                   (10) = viscous regularization energy for CZM  
c                                   (11) = sparse (future friction energy)
c                                   (12) = damping energy
c                                   (13) = external work by element load
c                                   (14) = stiffness energy amplitude
c                                   (15) = kinetic energy amplitude
c                                   (16) = stiffness energy peak
c                                   (17) = kinetic energy peak
c                                   (18) = intermediate result for stif. energ. amplitude
c                                          in harmonic analysis 1
c                                   (19) = intermediate result for kin. energ. amplitude
c                                          in harmonic analysis 1
c                                   (20) = intermediate result for stif. energ. amplitude
c                                          in harmonic analysis 2
c                        (21 = MAXENG+1) = intermediate result for kin. energ. amplitude
c                                          in harmonic analysis 2

c     output arguments:  none

3.7.24. Subroutine engdel (Deleting an Element's Energies)

      subroutine engdel (ielem)
c *** primary function:    delete element energies

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem    (int,sc,in)       - element number
c                                     = 0 - delete for all defined elements

c     output arguments:  none.

3.7.25. Function egriqr (Getting Information About an Element's Nodal Gradients)

      function egriqr (ielem,key)
c *** primary function: get information about element nodal gradients

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem     (int,sc,in)      - element number (or zero, see below)
c        key     (int,sc,in)        - key as to the information needed
c                 =  1 - return info about nodal gradients
c                         for ielem > 0 - return number of nodal gradients on 
c                                           this element (record length)
c                                   = 0 - return maximum number of nodal 
c                                           gradients on any element
c                                           (maximum record length)
c                 = DB_NUMDEFINED - return the number of nodal gradients defined
c                                    in model

c     output arguments:
c        egriqr   (int,func,out)    - the returned value of egriqr is based on 
c                                       setting of key

3.7.26. Function egrget (Getting an Element's Nodal Gradients)

      function egrget (ielem,value)
c *** primary function:    get element nodal gradients.

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem    (int,sc,in)       - element number

c     output arguments:
c        egrget   (int,func,out)    - status of element.
c                                     = 0 - element undefined
c                                     > 0 - number of nodal gradients
c                                             returned
c        value    (dp,ar(*),out)    - element nodal gradients

c                                    Note: If a coupled field, a set of 
c                                      gradients are stored in the following 
c                                      order (as available): fluid, thermal, 
c                                      electric, magnetic

c *** mpg egrget < pagend,magget<hsnget2: get elem gradient, H,

3.7.27. Subroutine egrput (Storing an Element's Nodal Gradients)

      subroutine egrput (ielem,nval,value)
c *** primary function:    store nodal gradients at an element.

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem     (int,sc,in)       - element number
c        nval      (int,sc,in)       - the total number of values
c                                      (ndir*nnod*nscalr)
c        value    (dp,ar(nval),in)   - the gradient values

c                                    Note: If a coupled field, a set of 
c                                      gradients are stored in the following 
c                                      order (as appropriate): fluid, thermal,
c                                      electric, magnetic
c     output arguments:  none

3.7.28. Subroutine egrdel (Deleting an Element's Nodal Gradients)

      subroutine egrdel (ielem)
c *** primary function:    delete element nodal gradients

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem    (int,sc,in)       - element number
c                                     = 0 - delete for all defined elements

c     output arguments:  none.

3.7.29. Function eeliqr (Getting Information About an Element's Nodal Elastic Strains)

      function eeliqr (ielem,key)
c *** primary function: get information about element nodal elastic strains

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem     (int,sc,in)      - element number (or zero, see below)
c        key     (int,sc,in)        - key as to the information needed
c                 =  1 - return info about elastic strains
c                             ielem > 0 - return number of nodal elasic strains
c                                          on this element (rec length)
c                                   = 0 - return maximum number of nodal elastic
c                                          strains on any element
c                                          (max rec length)
c                 = DB_NUMDEFINED - return the number of nodal elastic strains 
c                           defined in model

c     output arguments:
c        eeliqr   (int,func,out)    - the returned value of eeliqr is based on 
c                                       setting of key

3.7.30. Function eelget (Getting an Element's Nodal Elastic Strains)

      function eelget (ielem,value)
c *** primary function:    get element nodal elastic strains.

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem    (int,sc,in)       - element number

c     output arguments:
c        eelget   (int,func,out)    - status of element.
c                                     = 0 - element undefined
c                                     > 0 - number of nodal elastic strains 
c                                            returned
c        value    (dp,ar(*),out)    - element nodal elastic strains

c                               NOTE: Strains at each corner node in the order
c                                        X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ, EQV
c                                     For solid elements, strains at each 
c                                        corner node
c                                     For shell elements, strains at each 
c                                        corner node (first top durface, then
c                                        bottom)
c                                     For layered elements (w/KEYOPT(8)=0),
c                                        strains for "first" layer at each
c                                        corner node (first at the bottom 
c                                        surface of the bottom layer, then the 
c                                        top surface of the top layer).
c                                        Strains for "second" layer at each
c                                        corner node (first the bottom surface,
c                                        then the top surface for the layer with
c                                        the largest failure criteria).
c                                        The second layer is not present if
c                                        failure criteria were not used or are 
c                                        not appropriate
c                                     For layered elements (w/KEYOPT(8)=1),
c                                        strains for each layer at each corner
c                                        node (first at the bottom surface, then
c                                        the top surface)
c                                     For beam elements, the contents of this
c                                        record is element depenent.  See LEPEL
c                                        item of ETABLE command.

3.7.31. Subroutine eelput (Storing an Element's Nodal Elastic Strains)

      subroutine eelput (ielem,nval,value)
c *** primary function:    store nodal elastic strains at an element.

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem     (int,sc,in)       - element number
c        nval      (int,sc,in)       - the total number of values
c                                      (7*nnod*nface)
c        value    (dp,ar(nval),in)   - nval strain values

c     output arguments:  none

c                               NOTE: Strains at each corner node in the order
c                                        X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ, EQV
c                                     For solid elements, strains at each 
c                                        corner node
c                                     For shell elements, strains at each 
c                                        corner node (first top durface, then
c                                        bottom)
c                                     For layered elements (w/KEYOPT(8)=0),
c                                        strains for "first" layer at each
c                                        corner node (first at the bottom 
c                                        surface of the bottom layer, then the 
c                                        top surface of the top layer).
c                                        Strains for "second" layer at each
c                                        corner node (first the bottom surface,
c                                        then the top surface for the layer with
c                                        the largest failure criteria).
c                                        The second layer is not present if
c                                        failure criteria were not used or are 
c                                        not appropriate
c                                     For layered elements (w/KEYOPT(8)=1),
c                                        strains for each layer at each corner
c                                        node (first at the bottom surface, then
c                                        the top surface)
c                                     For beam elements, the contents of this
c                                        record is element depenent.  See LEPEL
c                                        item of ETABLE command.

3.7.32. Subroutine eeldel (Deleting an Element's Nodal Elastic Strains)

      subroutine eeldel (ielem)
c *** primary function:    delete element elastic strains

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem    (int,sc,in)       - element number
c                                     = 0 - delete for all defined elements

c     output arguments:  none.

3.7.33. Function epliqr (Getting Information About an Element's Nodal Plastic Strains)

      function epliqr (ielem,key)
c *** primary function: get information about element nodal plastic strains

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem     (int,sc,in)      - element number (or zero, see below)
c        key     (int,sc,in)        - key as to the information needed
c                 =  1 - return info about plastic strains
c                             ielem > 0 - return number of nodal plastic strains
c                                           on this element
c                                           (record length)
c                                   = 0 - return maximum number of nodal plastic
c                                           strains on any element
c                                           (max record length)
c                 = DB_NUMDEFINED - return the number of nodal plastic strains 
c                                    defined in model

c     output arguments:
c        epliqr   (int,func,out)    - the returned value of epliqr is based on 
c                                       setting of key

3.7.34. Function eplget (Getting an Element's Nodal Plastic Strains)

      function eplget (ielem,value)
c *** primary function:    get element nodal plastic strains.

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem    (int,sc,in)       - element number

c     output arguments:
c        eplget   (int,func,out)    - status of element.
c                                     = 0 - element undefined
c                                     > 0 - number of nodal plastic strains 
c                                            returned
c        value    (dp,ar(*),out)    - element nodal plastic strains

c                               NOTE: Strains at each corner node in the order
c                                        X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ, EQV
c                                     For solid elements, strains at each 
c                                        corner node
c                                     For shell elements, strains at each 
c                                        corner node (first top durface, then
c                                        bottom)
c                                     For layered elements (w/KEYOPT(8)=0),
c                                        strains for "first" layer at each
c                                        corner node (first at the bottom 
c                                        surface of the bottom layer, then the 
c                                        top surface of the top layer).
c                                        Strains for "second" layer at each
c                                        corner node (first the bottom surface,
c                                        then the top surface for the layer with
c                                        the largest failure criteria).
c                                        The second layer is not present if
c                                        failure criteria were not used or are 
c                                        not appropriate
c                                     For layered elements (w/KEYOPT(8)=1),
c                                        strains for each layer at each corner
c                                        node (first at the bottom surface, then
c                                        the top surface)
c                                     For beam elements, the contents of this
c                                        record is element depenent.  See LEPPL
c                                        item of ETABLE command.

3.7.35. Subroutine eplput (Storing an Element's Nodal Plastic Strains)

      subroutine eplput (ielem,nval,value)
c *** primary function:    store nodal plastic strains at a element.

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem     (int,sc,in)       - element number
c        nval      (int,sc,in)       - the total number of values
c                                      (6*nnod*nface)
c        value    (dp,ar(nval),in)   - the strain values

c     output arguments:  none
c                               NOTE: Strains at each corner node in the order
c                                        X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ, EQV
c                                     For solid elements, strains at each 
c                                        corner node
c                                     For shell elements, strains at each 
c                                        corner node (first top durface, then
c                                        bottom)
c                                     For layered elements (w/KEYOPT(8)=0),
c                                        strains for "first" layer at each
c                                        corner node (first at the bottom 
c                                        surface of the bottom layer, then the 
c                                        top surface of the top layer).
c                                        Strains for "second" layer at each
c                                        corner node (first the bottom surface,
c                                        then the top surface for the layer with
c                                        the largest failure criteria).
c                                        The second layer is not present if
c                                        failure criteria were not used or are 
c                                        not appropriate
c                                     For layered elements (w/KEYOPT(8)=1),
c                                        strains for each layer at each corner
c                                        node (first at the bottom surface, then
c                                        the top surface)
c                                     For beam elements, the contents of this
c                                        record is element depenent.  See LEPPL
c                                        item of ETABLE command.

3.7.36. Subroutine epldel (Deleting an Element's Nodal Plastic Strains)

      subroutine epldel (ielem)
c *** primary function:    delete element plastic strains

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem    (int,sc,in)       - element number
c                                     = 0 - delete for all defined elements

c     output arguments:  none.

3.7.37. Function ecriqr (Getting Information About an Element's Nodal Creep Strains)

      function ecriqr (ielem,key)
c *** primary function: get information about element nodal creep strains

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem     (int,sc,in)      - element number (or zero, see below)
c        key     (int,sc,in)        - key as to the information needed
c                 =  1 - return info about creep strains
c                             ielem > 0 - return number of nodal creep strains
c                                           on this element
c                                           (record length)
c                                   = 0 - return maximum number of nodal creep
c                                           strains on any element
c                                           (max record length)
c                 = DB_NUMDEFINED - return the number of nodal creep strains
c                                    defined in model

c     output arguments:
c        ecriqr   (int,func,out)    - the returned value of ecriqr is based on 
c                                       setting of key

3.7.38. Function ecrget (Getting an Element's Nodal Creep Strains)

      function ecrget (ielem,value)
c *** primary function:    get element nodal creep strains.

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem    (int,sc,in)       - element number

c     output arguments:
c        ecrget   (int,func,out)    - status of element.
c                                     = 0 - element undefined
c                                     > 0 - number of nodal creep strains 
c                                            returned
c        value    (dp,ar(*),out)    - element nodal creep strains

c                               NOTE: Strains at each corner node in the order
c                                        X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ, EQV
c                                     For solid elements, strains at each 
c                                        corner node
c                                     For shell elements, strains at each 
c                                        corner node (first top durface, then
c                                        bottom)
c                                     For layered elements (w/KEYOPT(8)=0),
c                                        strains for "first" layer at each
c                                        corner node (first at the bottom 
c                                        surface of the bottom layer, then the 
c                                        top surface of the top layer).
c                                        Strains for "second" layer at each
c                                        corner node (first the bottom surface,
c                                        then the top surface for the layer with
c                                        the largest failure criteria).
c                                        The second layer is not present if
c                                        failure criteria were not used or are 
c                                        not appropriate
c                                     For layered elements (w/KEYOPT(8)=1),
c                                        strains for each layer at each corner
c                                        node (first at the bottom surface, then
c                                        the top surface)
c                                     For beam elements, the contents of this
c                                        record is element depenent.  See LEPCR
c                                        item of ETABLE command.

3.7.39. Subroutine ecrput (Storing an Element's Nodal Creep Strains)

      subroutine ecrput (ielem,nval,value)
c *** primary function:    store nodal creep strains at an element.

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem     (int,sc,in)       - element number
c        nval      (int,sc,in)       - the total number of values
c                                      (6*nnod*nface)
c        value    (dp,ar(nval),in)   - the strain values

c     output arguments:  none
c                               NOTE: Strains at each corner node in the order
c                                        X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ, EQV
c                                     For solid elements, strains at each 
c                                        corner node
c                                     For shell elements, strains at each 
c                                        corner node (first top durface, then
c                                        bottom)
c                                     For layered elements (w/KEYOPT(8)=0),
c                                        strains for "first" layer at each
c                                        corner node (first at the bottom 
c                                        surface of the bottom layer, then the 
c                                        top surface of the top layer).
c                                        Strains for "second" layer at each
c                                        corner node (first the bottom surface,
c                                        then the top surface for the layer with
c                                        the largest failure criteria).
c                                        The second layer is not present if
c                                        failure criteria were not used or are 
c                                        not appropriate
c                                     For layered elements (w/KEYOPT(8)=1),
c                                        strains for each layer at each corner
c                                        node (first at the bottom surface, then
c                                        the top surface)
c                                     For beam elements, the contents of this
c                                        record is element depenent.  See LEPCR
c                                        item of ETABLE command.

3.7.40. Subroutine ecrdel (Deleting an Element's Nodal Creep Strains)

      subroutine ecrdel (ielem)
c *** primary function:    delete element creep strains

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem    (int,sc,in)       - element number
c                                     = 0 - delete for all defined elements

c     output arguments:  none.

3.7.41. Function ethiqr (Getting Information About an Element's Nodal Thermal Strains)

      function ethiqr (ielem,key)
c *** primary function: get information about element nodal thermal strains

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem     (int,sc,in)      - element number (or zero, see below)
c        key     (int,sc,in)        - key as to the information needed
c                 =  1 - return info about thermal strains
c                             ielem > 0 - return number of nodal thermal strains
c                                           on this element
c                                           (record length)
c                                   = 0 - return maximum number of nodal thermal
c                                           strains on any element
c                                           (max record length)
c                 = DB_NUMDEFINED - return the number of nodal thermal strains 
c                                    defined in model

c     output arguments:
c        ethiqr   (int,sc,out)      - the returned value of ethiqr is based on 
c                                       setting of key

3.7.42. Function ethget (Getting an Element's Nodal Thermal Strains)

      function ethget (ielem,value)
c *** primary function:    get element nodal thermal strains.
c                             also the volumetric swelling strain
c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem    (int,sc,in)       - element number

c     output arguments:
c        ethget   (int,func,out)    - status of element.
c                                     = 0 - element undefined
c                                     > 0 - number of nodal thermal strains 
c                                            returned
c        value    (dp,ar(*),out)    - element nodal thermal strains

c                               NOTE: Strains at each corner node in the order
c                                        X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ, EQV, epswel
c                                     For solid elements, strains at each 
c                                        corner node
c                                     For shell elements, strains at each 
c                                        corner node (first top durface, then
c                                        bottom)
c                                     For layered elements (w/KEYOPT(8)=0),
c                                        strains for "first" layer at each
c                                        corner node (first at the bottom 
c                                        surface of the bottom layer, then the 
c                                        top surface of the top layer).
c                                        Strains for "second" layer at each
c                                        corner node (first the bottom surface,
c                                        then the top surface for the layer with
c                                        the largest failure criteria).
c                                        The second layer is not present if
c                                        failure criteria were not used or are 
c                                        not appropriate
c                                     For layered elements (w/KEYOPT(8)=1),
c                                        strains for each layer at each corner
c                                        node (first at the bottom surface, then
c                                        the top surface)
c                                     For beam elements, the contents of this
c                                        record is element depenent.  See LEPTH
c                                        item of ETABLE command.

3.7.43. Subroutine ethput (Storing an Element's Nodal Thermal Strains)

      subroutine ethput (ielem,nval,value)
c *** primary function:    store nodal thermal strains at an element.
c                           also the volumetric swelling strain

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem     (int,sc,in)       - element number
c        nval      (int,sc,in)       - the total number of values
c                                      (7*nnod*nface)
c        value    (dp,ar(nval),in)   - the strain values

c     output arguments:  none
c                               NOTE: Strains at each corner node in the order
c                                        X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ, EQV, epswel
c                                     For solid elements, strains at each 
c                                        corner node
c                                     For shell elements, strains at each 
c                                        corner node (first top durface, then
c                                        bottom)
c                                     For layered elements (w/KEYOPT(8)=0),
c                                        strains for "first" layer at each
c                                        corner node (first at the bottom 
c                                        surface of the bottom layer, then the 
c                                        top surface of the top layer).
c                                        Strains for "second" layer at each
c                                        corner node (first the bottom surface,
c                                        then the top surface for the layer with
c                                        the largest failure criteria).
c                                        The second layer is not present if
c                                        failure criteria were not used or are 
c                                        not appropriate
c                                     For layered elements (w/KEYOPT(8)=1),
c                                        strains for each layer at each corner
c                                        node (first at the bottom surface, then
c                                        the top surface)
c                                     For beam elements, the contents of this
c                                        record is element depenent.  See LEPTH
c                                        item of ETABLE command.

3.7.44. Subroutine ethdel (Deleting an Element's Thermal, Initial, and Swelling Strains)

      subroutine ethdel (ielem)
c *** primary function:    delete element thermal, initial, and
c                          swelling strains

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem    (int,sc,in)       - element number
c                                     = 0 - delete for all defined elements

c     output arguments:  none.

3.7.45. Function euliqr (Getting Information About an Element's Euler Angles)

      function euliqr (ielem,key)
c *** primary function: get information about element euler angles

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem     (int,sc,in)      - element number (or zero, see below)
c        key       (int,sc,in)      - key as to the information needed
c                 =  1 - return info about element euler angles
c                             ielem > 0 - return number of euler angles on this
c                                           element
c                                           (record length)
c                                   = 0 - return maximum number of euler angles
c                                           on any element
c                                           (max record length)
c                 = DB_NUMDEFINED - return the number of element euler angles
c                                    defined in model

c     output arguments:
c        euliqr   (int,func,out)    - the returned value of euliqr is based on 
c                                       setting of key

3.7.46. Function eulget (Getting an Element's Nodal Euler Angles)

      function eulget (ielem,value)
c *** primary function:    get element nodal euler angles.

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem    (int,sc,in)       - element number

c     output arguments:
c        eulget   (int,func,out)    - status of element.
c                                     = 0 - element undefined
c                                     > 0 - number of euler angle values 
c                                            returned
c        value    (dp,ar(*),out)    - element euler angles

c                                 NOTE: For lower-ordered elements, rotations 
c                                         at centroid
c                                       For higher-ordered elements, rotations 
c                                         at each corner node
c                                       For layered shells, rotations at each 
c                                         corner node, plus layer rotation angle
c                                         for each layer (real constant THETA)
c                                       For layered solids, rotation angles at 
c                                         centroid, plus layer rotation angle
c                                         for each layer (real constant THETA)
c                                       For surface element, no euler angles
c                                         are saved

3.7.47. Subroutine eulput (Storing an Element's Euler Angles)

      subroutine eulput (ielem,nval,value)
c *** primary function:    store nodal euler angles for an element.

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem     (int,sc,in)       - element number
c        nval      (int,sc,in)       - the total number of values
c                                      (3 * number of display nodes)
c        value    (dp,ar(nval),in)   - the euler angle values

c     output arguments:  none
c                                 NOTE: For lower-ordered elements, rotations 
c                                         at centroid
c                                       For higher-ordered elements, rotations 
c                                         at each corner node
c                                       For layered shells, rotations at each 
c                                         corner node, plus layer rotation angle
c                                         for each layer (real constant THETA)
c                                       For layered solids, rotation angles at 
c                                         centroid, plus layer rotation angle
c                                         for each layer (real constant THETA)

3.7.48. Subroutine euldel (Deleting an Element's Euler Angles)

      subroutine euldel (ielem)
c *** primary function:    delete element euler angles

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem    (int,sc,in)       - element number
c                                     = 0 - delete for all defined elements

c     output arguments:  none.

3.7.49. Function efxiqr (Getting Information About Element Fluxes)

      function efxiqr (ielem,key)
c *** primary function:    get information about element fluxes

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem     (int,sc,in)      - element number (or zero, see below)
c        key       (int,sc,in)      - key as to the information needed
c                 =  1 - return info about element fluxes
c                             ielem > 0 - return number of fluxes on this
c                                           element
c                                           (record length)
c                                   = 0 - return maximum number of fluxes
c                                           on any element
c                                           (max record length)
c                 = DB_NUMDEFINED - return the number of element fluxes defined
c                                    in model

c     output arguments:
c        efxiqr   (int,func,out)    - the returned value of efxiqr is based on 
c                                      setting of key

3.7.50. Function efxget (Getting an Element Flux)

      function efxget (ielem,value)
c *** primary function:    get element nodal fluxes.

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem    (int,sc,in)       - element number

c     output arguments:
c        efxget   (int,func,out)    - status of element.
c                                     = 0 - element undefined
c                                     > 0 - number of nodal fluxes returned
c        value    (dp,ar(*),out)    - element nodal fluxes

c                                   Note: If a coupled field, a set of fluxes is
c                                          stored in the following order (as 
c                                          available):  fluid, thermal, 
c                                          electric, magnetic

3.7.51. Subroutine efxput (Storing an Element's Fluxes)

      subroutine efxput (ielem,nval,value)
c *** primary function:    store nodal fluxes at an element.

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem     (int,sc,in)       - element number
c        nval      (int,sc,in)       - the total number of values
c                                      (ndir*nnod*nscalr)
c        value    (dp,ar(nval),in)   - the flux values

c     output arguments:  none
c                                   Note: If a coupled field, a set of fluxes is
c                                          stored in the following order (as 
c                                          available):  fluid, thermal, 
c                                          electric, magnetic

3.7.52. Subroutine efxdel (Deleting Element Fluxes)

      subroutine efxdel (ielem)
c *** primary function:    delete element nodal fluxes

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem    (int,sc,in)       - element number
c                                     = 0 - delete for all defined elements

c     output arguments:  none.

3.7.53. Function elfiqr (Getting Information About Element Local Forces)

      function elfiqr (ielem,key)
c *** primary function: get information about elem local forces

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem     (int,sc,in)      - element number (or zero, see below)
c        key       (int,sc,in)      - key as to the information needed
c                 =  1 - return info about element local forces
c                             ielem > 0 - return number of local forces on this
c                                           element
c                                           (record length)
c                                   = 0 - return maximum number of local forces
c                                           on any element
c                                           (max record length)
c                 = DB_NUMDEFINED - return the number of element local forces 
c                                    defined in model

c     output arguments:
c        elfiqr   (int,func,out)    - the returned value of elfiqr is based on 
c                                       setting of key

3.7.54. Function elfget (Getting an Element Local Force)

      function elfget (ielem,value)
c *** primary function:    get element local nodal forces.

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem    (int,sc,in)       - element number

c     output arguments:
c        elfget   (int,func,out)    - status of element.
c                                     = 0 - element has no local nodal forces
c                                     > 0 - number of nodal forces returned
c        value    (dp,ar(*),out)    - element local nodal forces.

3.7.55. Subroutine elfput (Storing an Element's Local Forces)

      subroutine elfput (ielem,nval,value)
c *** primary function:    store element local nodal forces.

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c     variable (typ,siz,intent)     description
c        ielem     (int,sc,in)       - element number
c        nval      (int,sc,in)       - the total number of values
c                                      NOTE: There may be a maximum of 3 sets of
c                                     nodal forces in the record: static
c                                     forces, inertia forces, and damping forces
c        value    (dp,ar(nval),in)   - element local nodal forces

c     output arguments:  none

3.7.56. Subroutine elfdel (Deleting Element Local Forces)

      subroutine elfdel (ielem)
c *** primary function:    delete element local forces

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem    (int,sc,in)       - element number
c                                     = 0 - delete for all defined elements

c     output arguments:  none.

3.7.57. Function emniqr (Getting Information About Element Miscellaneous Non-summable Data)

      function emniqr (ielem,key)
c *** primary function:    get information about element misc non-summable
c                          data

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem     (int,sc,in)      - element number (or zero, see below)
c        key       (int,sc,in)      - key as to the information needed
c                 =  1 - return info about element misc non-summed data
c                             ielem > 0 - return number of data items on this
c                                           element
c                                           (record length)
c                                   = 0 - return maximum number of data items
c                                           on any element
c                                           (max record length)
c                 = DB_NUMDEFINED - return the number of element misc non-summed
c                                    data items defined in model

c     output arguments:
c        emniqr   (int,func,out)    - the returned value of emniqr is based on 
c                                       setting of key

3.7.58. Function emnget (Getting an Element's Miscellaneous Non-summable Data)

      function emnget (ielem,value)
c *** primary function:    get misc non-summable data.

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem    (int,sc,in)       - element number

c     output arguments:
c        emnget   (int,func,out)    - status of element.
c                                     = 0 - no non-summed misc data at this
c                                            element
c                                     > 0 - number of data items returned
c        value    (dp,ar(*),out)    - element misc non-summed data.

c                                   NOTE: the contents of this record is element
c                                       dependent.  See NMISC on ETABLE command

3.7.59. Subroutine emnput (Storing an Element's Miscellaneous Non-summable Data)

      subroutine emnput (ielem,nval,value)
c *** primary function:    store misc. non-summable data for an element.

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem     (int,sc,in)       - element number
c        nval      (int,sc,in)       - the total number of values
c        value    (dp,ar(nval),in)   - the misc. non-summed data items

c     output arguments:  none
c                                   NOTE: the contents of this record is element
c                                       dependent.  See NMISC on ETABLE command

3.7.60. Subroutine emndel (Deleting an Element's Miscellaneous Non-summable Data)

      subroutine emndel (ielem)
c *** primary function:    delete element misc non-summable data

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem    (int,sc,in)       - element number
c                                     = 0 - delete for all defined elements

c     output arguments:  none.

3.7.61. Function ecdiqr (Getting Information About Element Current Densities)

      function ecdiqr (ielem,key)
c *** primary function:    get information about element current densities

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem     (int,sc,in)      - element number (or zero, see below)
c        key       (int,sc,in)      - key as to the information needed
c                 =  1 - return info about element current densities
c                             ielem > 0 - return number of current densities on
c                                           this element
c                                           (record length)
c                                   = 0 - return maximum number of current 
c                                           densities on any element
c                                           (max record length)
c                 = DB_NUMDEFINED - return the number of element current
c                                    densities defined in model

c     output arguments:
c        ecdiqr   (int,func,out)    - the returned value of ecdiqr is based on 
c                                       setting of key

3.7.62. Function ecdget (Getting an Element Current Density)

      function ecdget (ielem,value)
c *** primary function:    get calculated element current densities.

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem    (int,sc,in)       - element number

c     output arguments:
c        ecdget   (int,func,out)    - status of element.
c                                     = 0 - element has no current densities
c                                     > 0 - number of calculated element
c                                            current densities
c        value    (dp,ar(*),out)    - calculated element current densities.

c                                   NOTE: current densities are in the order
c                                          X, Y, Z

3.7.63. Subroutine ecdput (Storing an Element's Current Densities)

      subroutine ecdput (ielem,nval,value)
c *** primary function:    store calculated element current densities

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem    (int,sc,in)        - element number
c        nval     (int,sc,in)        - the total number of values
c        value    (dp,ar(nval),in)   - calculated element current densities.

c     output arguments:   none
c                                   NOTE: current densities are in the order
c                                          X, Y, Z

3.7.64. Subroutine ecddel (Deleting Element Current Densities)

      subroutine ecddel (ielem)
c *** primary function:    delete element current densities

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem    (int,sc,in)       - element number
c                                     = 0 - delete for all defined elements

c     output arguments:  none.

3.7.65. Function enliqr (Getting Information About Element Nonlinear Tables)

      function enliqr (ielem,key)
c *** primary function: get information about element nonlinear tables

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem     (int,sc,in)      - element number (or zero, see below)
c        key       (int,sc,in)      - key as to the information needed
c                 =  1 - return info about element nonlinear tables
c                             ielem > 0 - return number of nonlinear tables for
c                                           this element
c                                           (record length)
c                                   = 0 - return maximum number of nonlinear 
c                                           tables for any element
c                                           (max record length)
c                 = DB_NUMDEFINED - return the number of element nonlinear
c                                    tables defined in model

c     output arguments:
c        enliqr   (int,func,out)    - the returned value of enliqr is based on 
c                                       setting of key

3.7.66. Function enlget (Getting Element Nonlinear Tables)

      function enlget (ielem,value)
c *** primary function:    get element nonlinear tables.

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem    (int,sc,in)       - element number

c     output arguments:
c        enlget   (int,func,out)    - status of element.
c                                     = 0 - nonlinear tables undefined
c                                     > 0 - number of nonlinear tables defined
c        value    (dp ,ar(n),out)   - the element nonlinear tables.

c                                   NOTE: Nonlinear data at each node are in the
c                                          order SEPL, SRAT, HPRES, EPEQ, PSV, 
c                                          PLWK, and 4 spares
c                                         For beam elements, the contents and 
c                                          number of information is element 
c                                          dependent.  See NLIN on ETABLE 
c                                          command

3.7.67. Subroutine enlput (Storing an Element's Nonlinear Tables)

      subroutine enlput (ielem,n,temp)
c *** primary function:    store element nonlinear tables

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem    (int,sc,in)       - element number
c        n        (int,sc,in)       - number of element nonlinear table values
c        temp     (dp ,ar(6),in)    - element nonlinear table,etc.

c     output arguments:  none.
c                                   NOTE: Nonlinear data at each node are in the
c                                          order SEPL, SRAT, HPRES, EPEQ, PSV, 
c                                          PLWK, and 4 spares
c                                         For beam elements, the contents and 
c                                          number of information is element 
c                                          dependent.  See NLIN on ETABLE 
c                                          command

3.7.68. Subroutine enldel (Deleting Element Nonlinear Tables)

      subroutine enldel (ielem)
c *** primary function:    delete element nonlinear tables

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem    (int,sc,in)       - element number
c                                     = 0 - delete for all defined elements

c     output arguments:  none.

3.7.69. Function ehciqr (Getting Information About Calculated Element Heat Generations)

      function ehciqr (ielem,key)
c *** primary function: get information about calculated elem heat generations

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem     (int,sc,in)      - element number (or zero, see below)
c        key       (int,sc,in)      - key as to the information needed
c                 =  1 - return info about calculated element heat gens
c                         for ielem > 0 - return number of heat gens for
c                                           this element
c                                           (record length)
c                                   = 0 - return maximum number of heat gens
c                                           for any element
c                                           (max record length)
c                 = DB_NUMDEFINED - return the number of calculated element heat 
c                                    generations defined in model

c     output arguments:
c        ehciqr   (int,func,out)    - the returned value of ehciqr is based on 
c                                       setting of key

3.7.70. Function ehcget (Getting a Calculated Element Heat Generation)

      function ehcget (ielem,value)
c *** primary function:    get calculated element heat generations.

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem    (int,sc,in)       - element number

c     output arguments:
c        ehcget   (int,func,out)    - status of element.
c                                     = 0 - element undefined
c                                     > 0 - number of calculated element
c                                            heat generations
c        value    (dp,ar(*),out)    - calculated element heat generations.

3.7.71. Subroutine ehcput (Storing an Element's Calculated Heat Generations)

      subroutine ehcput (ielem,nval,value)
c *** primary function:    store calculated element heat generations

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem    (int,sc,in)        - element number
c        nval     (int,sc,in)        - the total number of values
c        value    (dp,ar(nval),in)   - calculated element heat generations.

c     output arguments:  none

3.7.72. Subroutine ehcdel (Deleting Element Calculated Heat Generations)

      subroutine ehcdel (ielem)
c *** primary function:    delete calculated element heat generations

c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***

c     input arguments:
c        ielem    (int,sc,in)       - element number
c                                     = 0 - delete for all defined elements

c     output arguments:  none.