1.6. Description of the Element Matrices File

This section explains the content of the element matrices file (jobname.emat).

1.6.1. Standard Mechanical APDL File Header

See The Standard Header for Mechanical APDL Binary Files for a description of this set. File number (Item 1) is 2.

1.6.2. EMAT File Format


c *** Copyright ANSYS.  All Rights Reserved.
c *** ansys, inc.

c     **********  description of element matrix file  **********
      character*8  EMATNM 
      parameter  (EMATNM='emat    ')

      integer         EMATHDLEN
      parameter      (EMATHDLEN=80)

      LONGINT         ematfpL, ematfp
      integer         ematbk, ematut, maxldset
      common /fdemat/ ematfpL, ematbk, ematut, maxldset
      equivalence  (ematfp,ematfpL)

c   ********** common variable descriptions ***********
co  ematfpL      file position on file emat
co  ematbk       block number for file emat
co  ematut       file unit for file emat

c   See fddesc for documentation of how binary files are stored.
c     **********  file format  **********

c        recid tells the identifier for this record.  Not all records will have
c             identifiers -- they are only indicated for those records whose 
c             record pointers are stored in the second file header.

c        type tells what kind of information is stored in this record:
c             i - integer
c             dp - double precision
c             cmp - complex

c        nrec tells how many records of this description are found here

c        lrec tells how long the records are (how many items are stored)

c recid    type    nrec    lrec     contents

c  ---      i       1      100      standard ANSYS file header (see binhed8 for 
c                                   details of header contents)

c  ---      i       1       80      .EMAT FILE HEADER
c                                    fun02,    nume,   numdof,    lenu,  lenbac,
c                                     maxn, nlgeEMA,  sstEMAT,       0,   lumpm,
c                                    kygst,    kygm,     kycd,   kygss,   kygaf,
c                                    kygrf,       0,Glblenbac, ptrGBkl, ptrGBkh,
c                                  ptrElmh,       0,        0, ptrBITh, ptrEHDh,
c                                  ptrIDXh,   numCE,  maxLeng,  ptrCEl,  ptrCEh,
c                                   ptrDOF,  ptrBAC,  ptrELMl,       0,       0,
c                                  ptrBITl, ptrEHDl,  ptrIDXl, ptrendH, ptrendL,
c                                   nldstp,maxldset,  ptrLSIl, prtLSIh,       0,
c                                        0,       0,        0,       0,       0,
c                                        0,       0,        0,       0,       0,
c                                        0,       0,        0,       0,       0,
c                                        0,       0,        0,       0,       0,
c                                        0,       0,        0,       0,       0,
c                                        0,       0,        0,       0,       0,
c                                        0,       0,        0,       0,       0,

c                                each item in header is described below:

c                                   fun02  - unit number (emat file is 2)
c                                   nume   - number of elements
c                                   numdof - number of dofs per node
c                                   lenu   - total DOFs of model
c                                   lenbac - number of nodes
c                                   maxn   - maximum node number
c                                   nlgeEMA  = 0 - nlgeom is OFF the time this Emat file is created
c                                              1 - nlgeom is ON the time this Emat file is created
c                                   sstEMAT  = 0 - sstif key is OFF the time this Emat file is created
c                                              1 - sstif key is ON the time this Emat file is created
c                                                  this key is for internal use only
c                                   lumpm  - lumped mass key 
c                                            = 0 - default matrix type
c                                            = 1 - lumped
c                                   kygst  - global stiffness matrix calculate 
c                                            key 
c                                            = 0 - do not calculate
c                                            = 1 - calculate
c                                   kygm   - global mass matrix calculate key 
c                                            = 0 - do not calculate
c                                            = 1 - calculate
c                                   kycd   - global damping matrix calculate key
c                                            = 0 - do not calculate
c                                            = 1 - calculate
c                                   kygss  - global stress stiffening matrix 
c                                            calculate key 
c                                            = 0 - do not calculate
c                                            = 1 - calculate
c                                   kygaf  - global applied force vector 
c                                            calculate key
c                                            = 0 - do not calculate
c                                            = 1 - calculate
c                                   kygrf  - global restoring force vector 
c                                            calculate key (Newton-Raphson only)
c                                            = 0 - do not calculate
c                                            = 1 - calculate
c                                   0      - position not used
c                                   Glblenbac - global global number of nodes (== lenbac unless using
c                                               Distributed Ansys)
c                                   ptrGBkl- low pointer to global nodal equivalence table
c                                   ptrGBkh- high pointer to global nodal equivalence table
c                                   ptrELMh- high pointer to element equivalence table
c                                   ptrBITh- high pointer to dof bits
c                                   ptrEHDh- high pointer to the start of the
c                                            element matrices
c                                   ptrIDXh- high pointer to element matrices
c                                            index table
c                                   numCE  - number of internal CEs
c                                   maxLeng- maximum length of any internal CE
c                                   ptrCEl - low pointer to internal CE list
c                                   ptrCEh - high pointer to internal CE list
c                                   ptrDOF - pointer to degrees of freedom per 
c                                            node used in model
c                                   ptrBAC - pointer to nodal equivalence table

c                                   ptrELMl- Low pointer to element equivalence 
c                                            table
c                                   ptrBITl- Low pointer to dof bits
c                                   ptrEHDl- Low pointer to the start of the
c                                            element matrices
c                                   ptrIDXl- Low pointer to element matrices
c                                            index table

c                                   ptrendH- High pointer to end of file
c                                   ptrendL- Low  pointer to end of file
c                                   nldstp  - number element load vector set
c                                   maxldset- max eload vector set
c                                   ptrLSIl - location of Load Step Index
c                                   prtLSIh -     

c       Note: the analysis type sets the global calculate keys.

c  ---     dp       1       20      Time information
c                                   timval, timinc, frqval, timbeg, timend,
c                                      0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
c                                      0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
c                                      0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,

c                                  each item is described below:

c                                   timval - the current time
c                                   timinc - the time increment
c                                   frqval - the current frequency (from a 
c                                            harmonic analysis)
c                                   timbeg - the start time for the analysis
c                                   timend - the end time for the analysis
c                                   0.0    - position not used
c                                   0.0    - position not used
c                                   0.0    - position not used
c                                   0.0    - position not used
c                                   0.0    - position not used
c                                   0.0    - position not used
c                                   0.0    - position not used
c                                   0.0    - position not used
c                                   0.0    - position not used
c                                   0.0    - position not used
c                                   0.0    - position not used
c                                   0.0    - position not used
c                                   0.0    - position not used
c                                   0.0    - position not used
c                                   0.0    - position not used

c  DOF      i       1    numdof     Degrees of freedom per node 
c                                   DOF reference numbers are:
c         UX  = 1, UY  = 2, UZ  = 3, ROTX= 4, ROTY= 5, ROTZ= 6, AX  = 7, AY  = 8
c         AZ  = 9, VX  =10, VY  =11, VZ  =12, GFV1=13, GFV2=14, GFV3=15, WARP=16
c         CONC=17, HDSP=18, PRES=19, TEMP=20, VOLT=21, MAG =22, ENKE=23, ENDS=24
c         EMF =25, CURR=26, SP01=27, SP02=28, SP03=29, SP04=30, SP05=31, SP06=32
c                                    (curdof(i),i=1,numdof)

c  BAC      i       1    lenbac     Nodal equivalence table. This table equates
c                                   the number used for storage to the actual 
c                                   node number 
c                                    (Back(i),i=1,lenbac)

c  ELM      i       1     nume      Element equivalence table. The ANSYS program
c                                   stores all element data in the numerical 
c                                   order that the SOLUTION processor solves the
c                                   elements.  This table equates the order 
c                                   number used to the actual element number
c                                    (Order(i),i=1,nume)

c  GBK      i       1  Glblenbac    Global nodal equivalence table.  This
c                                   table equates the number used for storage
c                                   to the actual node number.  Only written
c                                   by the master process in Distributed Ansys
c                                    (GlbBack(i),i=1,Glblenbac)

c  BIT      i       1     lenu      Bits set at a DOF table. This record 
c                                   has bits for constraints, forces, etc.
c                                    (DofBits(i),i=1,lenu) (added at 10.0)

c  IDX      i       1     2*nume    Element index table. This record specifies 
c                                   the file location for the beginning of the
c                                   data for each element.
c                                    (index(i),i=1,nume) Low part of pointer
c                                    (index(i),i=1,nume) High part of pointer

c  The records at the end of the file store element information and get written
c  as a set for each element(nume sets of these records will appear on the file
c  at this point) ptrEHD indicates the beginning of the element data.

c  If substructure matrices are written to the EMAT file, they are written in a
c  different format than is shown here. This alternate format is not documented
c  at this time, as it is likely to change in the future.

c  EHD      i       1      10       Element matrix header
c                                    stkey,   mkey,   dkey,  sskey, akey,
c                                    nrkey,   ikey,  kckey,      0, nmrow

c                                  each item in header is described below:

c                                   stkey  - stiffness matrix key 
c                                            = 0 - matrix not present
c                                            = 1 - matrix present
c                                   mkey   - mass matrix key 
c                                            = 0 - matirx not present
c                                            = 1 - matrix present
c                                   dkey   - damping matrix key 
c                                            = 0 - matrix not present
c                                            = 1 - matrix present
c                                   sskey  - stress stiffening matrix key 
c                                            = 0 - matrix not present
c                                            = 1 - matrix present
c                                   akey   - applied load vector key 
c                                            = 0 - vector not used
c                                            = 1 - vector used
c                                   nrkey  - newton-raphson(restoring) load 
c                                            vector key (for nonlinear analyses)
c                                            = 0 - vector not used
c                                            = 1 - vector used
c                                   ikey   - imaginary load vector key 
c                                              (for complex analyses)
c                                            = 0 - vector not used
c                                            = 1 - vector used 
c                                   kckey    = 0 or 1 or 2 position for internal use or not in use
c                                            = 3 complex number stiffness matrix key
c                                   0      - position not used
c                                   nmrow  - numbers/columns in matrices. If the
c                                            number is negative, the matrices 
c                                            will be written in upper triangular
c                                            form.

c  ---      i       1    nmrow      DOF index table. This record specifies the 
c                                   DOF locations of this element matrix in 
c                                   relation to the global matrix. The index is
c                                   calculated as (N-1)*NUMDOF+DOF, where N is 
c                                   the position number of the node in the nodal
c                                   equivalence table and DOF is the DOF 
c                                   reference number given above

c  ---     dp    varies  varies     Element matrices. This record is repeated 
c                                   for each stiffness, mass, damping,stress stiffening
c                                   and complex stiffness matrice. If the matrix is 
c                                   diagonal, the length of the records will be
c                                   nmrow.  If the matrix is unsymmetric, the 
c                                   length of the records will be nmrow*nmrow. 
c                                   If the matrix is symmetric, only the upper 
c                                   triangular terms are written and the length
c                                   of the records will be (nmrow)*(nmrow+1)/2.

c  ---     dp       1    2*nmrow    Element force vectors. This record contains
c                                   both the applied force vector and the 
c                                   (restoring or imaginary) load vector.
c      *************** Internal CE information ***********************
c      The following records repeat numCE times... one for each internal
c      CE created during solution... these are stored here for the 
c      usage of a prestressed modal analysis such as the linear perturbation analysis
c  CE      i       3     numCE      First part is the CE number, the second part is
c                                   the number of terms in this internal CE, and
c                                   the third part is the external element number
c                                   of the element that created this internal CE
c  ---     i     nTerms  numCE      integer info (list of node*32 + dof)
c  ---    dp     nTerms  numCE      dp info (list of coefficients including constant term)
c   kygst        global stiffness matrix calculate key
c   kygm         global mass matrix calculate key
c   kygd         global damping matrix calculate key
c   kygss        global stress stiffening matrix calculate key
c   kygaf        global applied force matrix calculate key
c   kygrf        global restoring force matrix calculate key
c  Additional element records stored to support topo optimization 
c  with multiple load steps. Currently only element load vectors are needed, 
c  but keep the same format of the original element matrices/load vectors 
c  for possible future need. 
c  header(41) - header(44) are all 0 unless it's topo opitimization analysis
c  LSI      i       1     2*maxldset Load index table. This record specifies
c                                    the file location for the beginning of the
c                                    load steps after load step 2. In each load
c                                    steps, we have the following two records,
c                                    TPIDX and element force vectors
c  TPIDX    i       1     2*nume     Topo index table. This record specifies
c                                    the file location for the beginning of the
c                                    data for each element record, EHD. 
c                                     (index(i),i=1,nume) Low part of pointer
c                                     (index(i),i=1,nume) High part of pointer
c                                    same as IDX above
c   EHD     i       1     10         Element matrix header
c                                    same as EHD above
c  ---      i       1     nmrow      DOF index table
c  ---     dp       1     2*nmrow    Element force vectors. This record contains
c                                    both the applied force vector and the
c                                    (restoring or imaginary) load vector.