1.4. Description of the Reduced Complex Displacement File

This section explains the content of the reduced complex displacement file (jobname.rfrq).

1.4.1. Standard Mechanical APDL File Header

See The Standard Header for Mechanical APDL Binary Files for a description of this set. File number (Item 1) is 10.

1.4.2. RFRQ File Format


c *** Copyright ANSYS.  All Rights Reserved.
c *** ansys, inc

c     **********  description of reduced complex displacement file  **********
      character*8  RFRQNM
      parameter  (RFRQNM='rfrq    ')

      LONGINT         rfrqfpL, rfrqfp
      integer         rfrqbk,  rfrqut
      common /fdrfrq/ rfrqfpL, rfrqbk, rfrqut
      equivalence  (rfrqfp,rfrqfpL)

c   ********** common variable descriptions ***********
co  rfrqfpL      file position on file rfrq
co  rfrqbk       block number for file rfrq
co  rfrqut       file unit for file rfrq

c   See fddesc for documentation of how binary files are stored.
c     **********  file format  **********

c        recid tells the identifier for this record.  Not all records will have
c             identifiers -- they are only indicated for those records whose
c             record pointers are stored in the second file header.

c        type tells what kind of information is stored in this record:
c             i - integer
c             dp - double precision
c             cmp - complex

c        nrec tells how many records of this description are found here

c        lrec tells how long the records are (how many items are stored)

c recid    type    nrec    lrec     contents

c  ---      i       1      100      standard ANSYS file header (see binhed8 for
c                                   details of header contents)

c  ---      i       1       40    .RFRQ FILE HEADER
c                                    fun10,    nmrow,   nmatrx,    nmode,   numdof,
c                                     maxn,    wfmax,   lenbac,   extopt,   ncumit, (10)
c                                      kan,     nres,   nmUsed,    nvect,   DSPfmt,
c                                   minmod,        0,  modlstp,        0,  nEnfdof, (20)
c                                   ptrDOF,  ptrDAMP, ptrDAMPh,        0,        0,
c                                   ptrFRQ,   ptrDSP,        0,        0,        0, (30)
c                                  ptrFRQh,  ptrDSPh,nrkeyPert,  kPertrb,Glblenbac,
c                                   cpxmod,   SvCode,QRdampKey,        0,        0  (40)

c                                each item in header is described below:

c                                  fun10  - unit number (rfrq file is 10)
c                                  nmrow  - number of rows/columns in matrices
c                                  nmatrx - number of reduced matrices on file
c                                  nmode  - number of modes extracted during
c                                           modal analysis
c                                  numdof - number of dofs per node
c                                  maxn   - maximum node number
c                                  wfmax  - maximum wavefront
c                                  lenbac - number of nodes
c                                  extopt - mode extraction method 
c                                            = 3 - unsymmetric Lanczos
c                                            = 4 - damped Lanczos
c                                            = 6 - block Lanczos
c                                            = 8 - SuperNode
c                                            = 9 - PCG Lanczos
c                                  ncumit - total number of iterations done
c                                           during analysis
c                                  kan    - analysis type
c                                           = 6  - MSUP harmonic analysis
c                                  nmUsed - number of modes used in mode
c                                           superposition
c                                  nvect  - number of generated loads in .mlv
c                                  DSPfmt - 0,physical disps  .ne.0,modal coords
c                                  minmod - smallest mode number used
c                                  modlstp- multiple load step key
c                                  ptrDOF - pointer to degree of freedom set
c                                           used in model
c                                  ptrDAMP  - pointer to damping values 
c                                  ptrDAMPh - High part of DAMP pointer 
c                                  ptrFRQ - pointer to the frequencies
c                                  ptrDSP - pointer to the calculated
c                                           displacements
c                                  ptrFRQh- High part of FRQ pointer
c                                  ptrDSPh- High part of DSP pointer
c                                  nrkeyPert - nrkey setting of base analysis (Linear Perturbation)
c                                  kPertrb- Linear Perturbation key
c                                  Glblenbac - global number of nodes (== 0 unless using Distributed Ansys)
c                                  cpxmod   - key if complex modes were used
c                                  SvCode - Solver assembly code
c                                           = 1 Symbolic assembly
c                                  QRdampKey - Key for QRDAMP solver use 
c                                              for modal analysis preceeding MSUP (MODOPT,QRDAMP)
c                                            = 1 if QRDAMP was used, 0 otherwise
c                                  0      - position not used

c  ---      i       1     numdof   Degrees of freedom per node
c                                   (curdof(i),i=1,numdof)
c                                  dof reference numbers are:
c         UX  = 1, UY  = 2, UZ  = 3, ROTX= 4, ROTY= 5, ROTZ= 6, AX  = 7, AY  = 8
c         AZ  = 9, VX  =10, VY  =11, VZ  =12, GFV1=13, GFV2=14, GFV3=15, WARP=16
c         CONC=17, HDSP=18, PRES=19, TEMP=20, VOLT=21, MAG =22, ENKE=23, ENDS=24
c         EMF =25, CURR=26, SP01=27, SP02=28, SP03=29, SP04=30, SP05=31, SP06=32

c  ---      i       1     lenbac  Nodal equivalence table. This table equates
c                                   the number used for storage to the actual
c                                   node number
c                                  (Back(i),i=1,lenbac)

c  ---      i       1  Glblenbac  Global nodal equivalence table.  This
c                                   table equates the number used for storage
c                                   to the actual node number.  Only written
c                                   by the master process in Distributed Ansys
c                                  (GlbBack(i),i=1,Glblenbac)

c  ---      dp      1       10    Unused record. contents:
c                                 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
c                                 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0

c  DOF      i       1     nmrow    Degree of freedom set used
c                                  The DOFs are calculated as (N-1)*numdof+DOF,
c                                  where N is the position number of the node in
c                                  the nodal equivalence table and DOF is the
c                                  DOF reference number given above.

c  ---      i       1     nmrow+1  Original reduced set of DOFs used.
c                                  The DOFs are calculated as (N-1)*numdof+DOF,
c                                  where N is the position number of the node in
c                                  the nodal equivalence table and DOF is the
c                                  DOF reference number given above.

c  DAMP     dp      1   nmode+10   Damping values.
c                                  This record is present only for analyses using
c                                  the mode superposition method with MCkey
c                                  activated - HROPT cmd. 
c                                  There are nmode+10 entries:
c                                  1 : nmode		  - effective damping ratios
c                                  nmode+1 : nmode+4  - alphad, alphad, dmprat, dmpstr
c                                  nmode+5 : nmode+10 - additional entries - zeroed out for now

c  FRQ      dp      1     nmrow/   Frequencies extracted from the modal analysis.
c                      nmode+nres  This record is present only for analyses using
c                                  the mode superposition method. 
c                                  There are nmrrow entries if DSPfmt=0 and nmode+nres
c                                  entries otherwise.
c                                  If cpxmod 
c                                  If DSPfmt=0  : (freq(i),i=1,nmrow)
c                                  If DSPfmt!=0 : (freq(i),i=1,nmode+nres)
c                                  Frequencies are complex if DSPfmt=0 and extopt=3 or 4 
c                                  or if DSPfmt!=0 and cpxmod = 1.
c                                  For complex frequencies the number of entries is doubled.
c                                  Real parts appear for first half and imaginary parts next.
c                                  If DSPfmt!=0 and cpxmod = 1: 
c                                  (dreal(freq(i)),i=1,nmode+nres)
c                                  (dimag(freq(i)),i=nmode+nres,2*(nmode+nres))   

c  *** The next 3 records are repeated (as a pair)
c  *** The number of iterations is stored as ncumit.

c  DSP      cmp  ncumit  nmrow+5/  Calculated complex displacements
c                        nmUsed+5  The first nmrow entries are the displacements
c                                  in the same order as the original set of DOFs
c                                  (see record AFTER ptrDOF). If DSPfmt=0, these
c                                  are physical displacements, If DSPfmt!=0,
c                                  these are the nmUsed modal coordinates instead 
c                                  of the nmrow entries. 
c                                  For the last five entries:
c                                     Real part             Imag part
c                                  1. frequency for these   frequency increment
c                                     values
c                                  2. load step number      substep number
c                                  3. cumulative iteration  emrpm (MRPM cmd)
c                                     number                   
c                                  4. zero                  zero
c                                  5. scale factor          numdeflvs
c                                       (cvs(i),i=1,nmrow/nmUsed),(freq,delf),
c                                       (itime,itter),(ncumit,0.0),(0.0,0.0),
c                                       (fscale,numdeflvs)
c                                  Note: If, upon reading of this record, there
c                                  is less than nmrow+5 items in the record,
c                                  then only a selected set of nodes were
c                                  output. Another record follows (integer, less
c                                  than lenbac long) which contains the list of
c                                  nodes for which DOF solutions are available.

c  ---      i       1 numdeflvs    lvscal table scale factor IDs
c                                   (ilvscID(i),i=1,numdeflvs)

c  ---      dp      1 numdeflvs    lvscal table scale factor values
c                                   (dlvscVal(i),i=1,numdeflvs)