3.2. Usage Information

When using nonlinear mesh adaptivity in a linear analysis, the program enables the nonlinear solution algorithm automatically. You can also specify the full (NROPT,FULL) or unsymmetric (NROPT,UNSYM) Newton-Raphson solver option as required.

To ensure that at least one remeshing occurs during the analysis, you can set the number of substeps as necessary (directly via NSUBST or indirectly via DELTIM). Obtain guidance for setting the number of substeps from the NLADAPTIVE,,ON,VAL1 value specifying the remeshing frequency.

For linear elastic problems, it is common practice to apply the load as a single step in the first substep of the load step (KBC,1) as opposed to ramping it over the loadstep (KBC,0). In such cases, the smallest possible number of substeps is 2, ensuring at least one mesh refinement:

Example 3.1: Applying the Load as a Single Step in the First Substep of the Load Step (KBC,1)