Chapter 2: Planning Your Approach

As you begin to create your model, you will make a number of decisions that determine how you will mathematically simulate the physical system. For example: What are the objectives of your analysis? Will you model all, or just a portion, of the physical system? How much detail will you include in your model? What kinds of elements will you use? How dense should your finite element mesh be?

In general, you will attempt to balance computational expense (such as CPU time) against precision of results as you answer these questions. The decisions you make in the planning stage of your analysis will largely govern the success or failure of your analysis efforts.

This first step of your analysis relies not on the capabilities in the Mechanical APDL program, but on your own education, experience, and professional judgment. Only you can determine what the objectives of your analysis must be. The objectives you establish at the start will influence the remainder of your choices as you generate the model.