4.3. Using CONTA175 for Multiphysics Contact

You can use node-to-surface contact element CONTA175 to model thermal contact, electric contact, magnetic contact, pore fluid flow contact, and diffusive contact as you would use the surface-to-surface contact elements. For multiphysics contact, Ansys recommends that you use the contact traction-based model (KEYOPT(3) = 1), which allows you to use real constants TCC, ECC, MCC, PCC, PSEE, DCC, and DCON consistently with the surface-to-surface contact elements.

If you use the contact force-based model (KEYOPT(3) = 0), you should adjust the values of TCC, ECC, MCC, PCC, PSEE, DCC, and DCON up or down as you make the element mesh coarser or finer.