This chapter contains a dictionary of the Mechanical APDL commands, listed in alphabetical order. The star (*) and slash (/) of the star and slash commands are ignored for alphabetization (for example, the /SHOW command appears between the SHELL and SHPP commands). As in a dictionary, keywords are located at the top of each page (in the printed version only) indicating the first and last commands contained on that page.
The following section documents the components of a command description.
Components of a Command Description
Specifies whether to use automatic time stepping or load stepping.
SOLUTION: Load Step Options
Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Argument Descriptions
Automatic time stepping key:
- OFF --
Do not use automatic time stepping
- ON --
Use automatic time stepping.
Default: No automatic time stepping.
Specifies whether to use automatic time stepping (or load stepping)
over this load step. If Key
= ON, both time step
prediction and time step bisection will be used. Used only if DTIME
on the DELTIM command) is less than the time span or conversely,
(on the NSUBST command)
is greater than one.
This command is also valid in PREP7.
Product Restrictions
Ansys Mechanical Enterprise — Key
= OFF is only valid with the Ansys Mechanical Enterprise family of products (Ansys Mechanical Enterprise, Ansys Mechanical Enterprise PrepPost, and Ansys Mechanical Enterprise Solver).
Menu Paths
Features Documented in Mechanical APDL Commands
The first line of the command description shows the command name followed by the argument names (if any). The second line summarizes the command function. The summary is not intended to be all inclusive:
Specifies whether to use automatic time stepping or load stepping.
Listed on the next line are codes that will help you find other commands in the program with related functionality.
SOLUTION: Load Step Options
Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
There is at least one group code for each command. "SOLUTION: Load Step Options" is the code in the example above. The portion of the code before the colon (:) tells which of the tables in Command Groupings the command can be found in. These tables represent major groupings, such as PREP7 or APDL commands. In the example above, SOLUTION commands are found in SOLUTION Commands. Most of these major groupings are processors, and in those cases the command can be entered only when in that processor. Any exceptions are noted under "Notes" later in the description.
The portion of the code after the colon is the subtable in Command Groupings containing the command. The subtables list commands that functionally relate to each other. In the example, "Load Step Options" means that the command can be found in Table 2.52: Load Step Options, a subtable of SOLUTION Commands, with other load step option commands.
If you are viewing this reference in the Mechanical APDL Help System, just click on the code to follow the link to the corresponding table. Then click on any of the commands in the table, to follow the link to its description.
If you are reading the printed version, simply turn to the appropriate table in Command Groupings. The table lists the page number where the command is documented.
The next line displays a series of product codes, which may contain all of the Mechanical APDL product codes:
Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
or a subset of them:
Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
For more information on product codes, see Valid Products.
Following this "product code" line is the description of all arguments, if any, of the command:
- Key
Automatic time stepping key:
- OFF --
Do not use automatic time stepping (default).
- ON --
Use automatic time stepping.
The argument is described and, where necessary, valid choices for the argument are described. Many arguments list defaults, which are the values assumed for that argument if you enter the command but leave the argument blank. On the other hand, shown after the argument descriptions is often another default:
Command Default
No automatic time stepping.
This is the command default. This is the specification assumed by the program if you do not enter the command at all. Only commands that set specifications (specification commands) have defaults listed. Commands that cause some action, such as performing some calculation, are called action commands and simply do not perform the action if the command is not entered. Defaults are not listed for action commands.
Following the default listing are any notes about the command. These notes expand on the summary description given up near the command format, and describe any other behavior, restrictions, suggestions, etc. of that command:
Specifies whether to use automatic time stepping (or load stepping)
over this load step. If Key
= ON, both time step
prediction and time step bisection will be used. Used only if DTIME
on the DELTIM command) is less than the time span or conversely,
(on the NSUBST command)
is greater than one.
This command is also valid in PREP7.
If the command behaves differently, or has restrictions, in any of the various Ansys products, those differences are described in the Product Restrictions section:
Product Restrictions
Ansys Mechanical Enterprise — Key
= OFF is only valid with the Ansys Mechanical Enterprise family of products (Ansys Mechanical Enterprise, Ansys Mechanical Enterprise PrepPost, and Ansys Mechanical Enterprise Solver).
Menu Paths
These menu paths are intended as guides to help you find the commands in the GUI. Be aware, however, that often the paths are valid only if some other command has been previously issued. For example, you won't be able to follow a path to transient analysis options if you have not selected a transient analysis in the first place.
Not all commands are directly accessible through the menu (although some of them may be generated indirectly by some menu function). Such cases are indicated by the following statement in the menu path listing:
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed directly in the menu.