11.1. Multiple Windows and Superimposed Displays

A window is a rectangular portion of your display located inside the main Graphics Window. Windows are defined in screen coordinates (Xs, Ys). You can define up to five different windows, which can be placed anywhere within the Graphics Window, and which can overlap. Each window can have different graphics specification settings; however, graphics action commands apply to every active window.

The /WINDOW command controls basic window operations:


Table 11.1: Basic Window Operations

Window Operation/WINDOW Argument(s)Description
Define size and placementXMIN, XMAX, YMIN, YMAXSize and place windows in the top half, bottom half, right top quadrant, etc. of the Graphics Window
Activate / deactivateXMIN = ON / OFF, respectivelyActivates and deactivates a defined window
DeleteXMIN = DELEDeletes a defined window
Copy display specifications between windows NCOPY Copies a set of display specifications (/VIEW, /DIST, etc.) from window NCOPY (1 to 5) to the current window

11.1.1. Superimposing (Overlaying) Multiple Displays

To display dissimilar items in separate windows, a sequence of windows action commands is necessary as you activate and deactivate appropriate windows, while protecting the displays in your deactivated windows from being erased. The key to this operation is the /NOERASE command, which prevents the normal screen erase from occurring as new displays are created. After your multiple display has been created, you can return to normal erasing mode via the /ERASE command.

11.1.2. Removing Frame Borders

The FRAME label on the /PLOPTS command displays or hides window border lines.