10.3. Specifying the Graphics Display Device Type (for Windows)

For Windows users, the program supports these drivers and capabilities:

  • A window device

  • Hidden line removal

  • Light source shading

If you are running the program on Windows platforms, you have three alternatives for specifying the graphics device type:

  • Double-click the Interactive icon in the Program Folder. Click the down arrow next to Graphics device name and select the appropriate device.

  • Within the program, issue the /SHOW command.

  • Include the device type on the program execution command line. The command option -d or -D must precede the device type, as shown below:

    ansys242 -d device_type

    The device type is one of the following:

    • WIN32

    • WIN32c

    • 3D

Avoid color settings of 256 colors or lower.

Specifying an invalid device type causes the program to divert the graphics to a disk file and inhibits the opening of the menu system, even if you included the -g option on the program execution command.