5.10. Stopping Solution After Matrix Assembly

You can terminate the solution process after the assembled global matrix file (.full file) has been written by using WRFULL. By doing so, the equation solution process and the process of writing data to the results file are skipped. This feature can then be used in conjunction with the HBMAT command in /AUX2 to dump any of the assembled global matrices into a new file that is written in Harwell-Boeing format. You can also use the PSMAT command in /AUX2 to copy the matrices to a postscript format that can be viewed graphically.

The WRFULL command is only valid for linear static, full harmonic, and full transient analyses when the sparse direct solver is selected. WRFULL is also valid for buckling and modal analyses when any mode extraction method is selected. The command is not valid for nonlinear analyses.