20.5. Understanding Memory Error Messages

This model requires more scratch space than available. Mechanical APDL has currently allocated YY MB and was not able to allocate enough additional memory in order to proceed. Please increase the virtual memory on your system, and/or increase the work space memory and rerun Mechanical APDL. Problem terminated.

(Sparse and Block Lanczos solvers only): There is not enough memory for the <Sparse or Block Lanczos> solver to proceed. Please increase the virtual memory on your system and/or increase the work space memory and re-run Mechanical APDL. Memory currently allocated for the <Sparse or Block Lanczos> solver = YY MB.

(Sparse and Block Lanczos solvers only): There is not enough memory for the <Sparse or Block Lanczos> solver to proceed. Please increase the virtual memory on your system and/or increase the work space memory and re-run Mechanical APDL. Memory currently allocated for the <Sparse or Block Lanczos> solver = YY MB. Memory currently required for the <Sparse or Block Lanczos> solver to continue = YYY MB.

(Distributed Sparse and Block Lanczos solvers only): There is not enough memory for the Distributed <Sparse or Block Lanczos> solver to proceed. Please increase the virtual memory on your system and/or increase the work space memory and re-run Mechanical APDL. Memory currently allocated by ANSYS = YY MB. Memory allocation attempted = YYY MB. Largest block of Mechanical APDL memory available for the Distributed <Sparse or Block Lanczos> solver = YYYY MB.

The messages listed above may occur while you are running Mechanical APDL.

This type of message appears when you are running the program in dynamic memory mode and the program has attempted to allocate additional memory, but it failed because it could not find a large enough contiguous block of memory to proceed.

Specifying a higher -m value on the program execution command and executing the program again may help. However, if a large enough block of memory is still unavailable, changing the -m value will not help. You can also try decreasing the database size to help free up more work space, allowing you to continue with the analysis. Increasing the system virtual memory may also help. Try increasing the system virtual memory so that the physical memory (RAM) plus the virtual memory comfortably exceeds the memory available at the failure point (shown in the error message).

For more information, see Memory Management and Configuration.

The memory (-m) size requested is not currently available. Reenter thr command line with less memory requested.

The database (-db) space requested is not currently available. Reenter the command line with less database space requested.

Either message may occur at program startup.

The memory used by the program resides within the system virtual memory. The required system virtual memory for the amount of memory that you requested for either the work space (-m) or database space (-db) for the program (via either the program command line or the configuration file) is not currently available. Request less work space or database space if possible and execute the program again. If the initial requested memory is required, then wait until sufficient system virtual memory is free and try again.

Another alternative is to increase the system's virtual memory (use the System icon in the Control Panel in Windows).

The memory (-m) size requested cannot currently be addressed using dynamic memory mode. Mechanical APDL addressing can be changed by turning on fixed memory via the -f command line option.

This message may occur at startup.

Include the -f command line option on the program execution command to remedy the problem.

For more information, see Memory Management and Configuration.

This model requires more scratch space than ANSYS can address in dynamic memory mode. Mechanical APDL addressing can be changed by turning on fixed memory via the -f command line option. Problem terminated.

This message may occur while you are running Mechanical APDL.

Include the -f command line option on the program execution command to remedy the problem.

For more information, see Memory Management and Configuration.

This model requires more scratch space than available, currently XX words (YY MB). The scratch space may be increased by increasing the work space, currently XX words (YY MB), via the Mechanical APDL command line memory option. Problem terminated.

This message may occur while you are running Mechanical APDL.

If you are running the program in dynamic memory mode and the internal calculations that the program is trying to perform cannot fit in the scratch space, the program will attempt to allocate additional memory to meet the requirements. However, this message may still appear if:

  • Some portions of the program cannot use the additional memory that was allocated or allocate the memory when it is needed. The processing that the program was trying to perform when this message appeared took place in one of these portions.

  • You used the -f command line switch so that the program would use a fixed-mode memory addressing scheme. Thus, no dynamic memory allocation is allowed.

If you receive this message, specify a higher -m value on the program execution command or change your -f command line option and execute the program again.

For more information, see Memory Management and Configuration.