Appendix A. Overview of Parallelized Features and Known Limitations

FeatureAvailable in Parallel?Limitation
SolversStructured Yes 
NBS TetYes 
Rigid BodiesYes 
Euler Ideal GasYes 
Euler Multi-MaterialYes 
ContactGapYesEdge on edge impact is not supported.
TrajectoryYesAnalyses using trajectory contact cannot be run in parallel if the Decomposition Response method is selected.
Reinforcement BeamsYes 
JoinsStructured/Unstructured Yes

Although the joins between unstructured parts have been parallelized it is strongly advised to avoid the use of unstructured parts in combination with joins in parallel analyses.

An option is available that will merge joined unstructured nodes that reside at the same physical location in the model into one single unstructured node. The option is available under the Join menu and will increase robustness in many applications involving joins.

Euler Ideal GasYes 
Euler Multi-MaterialYesJoins cannot be used in combination with Euler/Lagrange coupling.
Euler/Lagrange InteractionEuler Ideal GasYes 
Euler Multi-MaterialYesJoined Euler cannot be used in combination with Euler/Lagrange coupling.
Boundary Conditions



Analytical BlastNo 
Remote DisplacementYes 
MaterialsAutodyn MaterialsYes 
Sesame LibraryNo 
GaugesFixed gauges in structured Lagrange partsNo 
Analysis SettingsAutomatic Mass Scaling Update FrequencyNo 

Notes on Parallel Performance

Simulation time is generally expected to decrease when a simulation is run distributed across more cores, but this only occurs up until a certain number of cores. The optimal number of cores to run over is dependent on many factors, including the simulation itself (number of degrees of freedom or features used) and the hardware the simulation is being run on. The advice in Solution and Performance Issues also largely applies to Autodyn and Explicit Dynamics simulations, particularly the section on Hardware.

Note that running an Autodyn or Explicit Dynamics simulation over N cores actually requires the spawning of N+1 processes (the master process and N worker processors). Therefore, take special care not to oversubscribe any particular hardware by launching more processes on that hardware than physical cores, as this may result in poor performance.

Oversubscription is not recommended, but if it is necessary and Intel MPI is being used, there are some environment variables that may be set to improve the performance. These include setting I_MPI_PIN to OFF, and I_MPI_WAIT_MODE to 1 with I_MPI_THREAD_YIELD to 3. See the Intel MPI documentation for further details on these environment variables.