
The text editor in the Editor, Snippet Editor, and the input field in the Shell all provide autocompletion.


Autocompletion Tooltips

When you place the mouse cursor over any property or method in the list of suggestions provided, the tooltip displays information about this item. The following image shows the tooltip for the property Models.


Tooltips use color-coding to indicate the syntax:



General formatting for properties follow:

  • get/set mode: ReturnType PropertyName

  • Description of the property

  • Returns: Description of what is returned (if any)

  • Remarks: Additional information (if any)

  • Example: Sample entry (if any)


General formatting for methods follow:

  • ReturnType MethodName (Argument Type Argument Name)

  • Argument Name: Description of the argument

  • Returns: Description of what is returned (if any)

  • Remarks: Additional information (if any)

  • Example: Sample entry (if any)

Additional Information

Tootltips can also provide:

  • .NET properties where applicable

  • Warning messages when special attention is needed

  • Prototype information for methods when cursor is inside brackets and indexers when cursor is inside square brackets

  • Overloaded methods, including the following details:

    • Number of overloaded methods

    • Prototypes for overloaded methods (accessed by pressing the arrows in the prototype tooltip)

    • Members for overloaded methods

      The tooltip for an overloaded method is a list of all members from all overloaded methods.

Tooltip Examples

The following images show two different tooltip examples for the method Equals in two different stages of using autocompletion:



Keyboard Shortcuts:

The tooltip provides these keyboard shortcuts:

  • Enter: Inserts the suggestion.

  • Esc: Closes autocompletion tooltip.

  • Ctl + Space: Forces autocompletion to reopen.