Setting Input Loading Data Definitions

For input variables, each variable definition type corresponds to one or more of the input loading data definition options available in the Details view in Mechanical. You can determine the loading data definition options available for a given input by checking the flyout menu in the user interface.

Input loading data definitions are ranked in terms of complexity:

ComplexityVariable Definition TypeInput Loading Data DefinitionDescription
1DiscreteConstant (stepped or ramped)One value if stepped, two values if ramped.
2DiscreteTabularValues listed in tabular format.
3FormulaFunctionValues generated by the expression assigned to the variable.
NAFreeNAIndicates that the boundary condition does not add a constraint for the specified degree of freedom (DOF). (A value of 0 indicates that the DOF is constrained.)

When you use the Field API to define a boundary condition field, it automatically opts for the least complex loading data definition that is applicable to the input. For example, if a given input could be defined as Constant (ramped) but you execute commands defining it as Tabular, the API defines the input as Constant (ramped).