
(See Ansys.Mechanical.Table.FixedWidthImportSettings) defines how to import data from a delimited source for tabular data.

Declaration Syntax

public class FixedWidthImportSettings : ColumnarDataSourceBase

Table 23: Members



Gets or sets the specified column widths. When setting, The value provided to (See Ansys.Mechanical.Table.FixedWidthImportSettings.ColumnWidths) may be either:

A `string` using Fortran-esque fixed-format specifications. This is similar to the “User-Defined” format specifier for External Data as described in the product documentation. Note, however, that regardless of the format specifier all imported columns WILL be interpreted using the .NET command `double.TryParse()` to support the requirements of the underlying variable data for Table.
An containing the widths of each column. Negative values may be specified to define a negated width, meaning ‘-2’ would be equivalent to the fixed-width string specification ’2X’.



Gets the existing corresponding format.

(Inherited from ImportSettingsBase.)



Gets or sets the type of URI provided for Table import. Default: (See Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.MechanicalEnums.Common.PathType.Absolute)

(Inherited from ImportSettingsBase.)