
Specifies the IronPython script referenced by the extension.

<extension version="[version id (integer)]" name="[extension name (string)]"          
  <script src="[python file name (string)]"></script></extension>

You can either insert the IronPython script directly into the XML extension definition file or use the attribute src to specify the path to the script.

An additional script can be specified by adding a new element <script>. For example:

<script src="[Path]\filename.py" />

If the src attribute is defined, then the tag content is ignored.

By default, ACT looks for IronPython scripts in the same directory as the extension. If the scripts are not located in that directory, you can specify the path the scripts in addition to the file name. For example:

<script src="my_path\main.py" />

Attributes for the element <script>


Specifies whether the script is to be compiled as a binary file.


compiled="[false(default) | true]"


Specifies the IronPython script referenced by the extension.


src="[python file name (string)]"