Defining the Mixed Wizard

The mixed wizard BridgeSimulation executes one step in the Workbench Project tab, runs the wizard CreateBridge in either DesignModeler or SpaceClaim, runs the wizard SimpleAnalysis in Mechanical, and then returns to the Project tab to execute the step Results.

An excerpt from the file WizardDemos.xml follows. Code is omitted for the element <uidefinition> and all wizards other than the mixed wizard BridgeSimulation.

<extension version="2" minorversion="1" name="WizardDemos">
	<guid shortid="WizardDemos">7fdb141e-3383-433a-a5af-32cb19971771</guid>
	<author>Ansys, Inc.</author>
	<description>Simple extension to test wizards in different contexts.</description>

	<script src="" />
	<script src="" />
	<script src="" />
	<script src="" />
	<interface context="Project|Mechanical|SpaceClaim">
	<interface context="DesignModeler">
		<toolbar name="Deck" caption="Deck">
			<entry name="Deck" icon="deck">
			<entry name="Support" icon="Support">
	<simdata context="DesignModeler">
		<geometry name="Deck" caption="Deck" icon="deck" version="1">
			<property name="Length" caption="Length" control="float" unit="Length" default="300 [m]" />
			<property name="Width" caption="Width" control="float" unit="Length" default="20 [m]" />
			<property name="Beams" caption="Beams" control="integer" default="31" />
	<simdata context="DesignModeler">
		<geometry name="Support" caption="Support" icon="support" version="1">
			<property name="Length" caption="Length" control="float" unit="Length" default="300 [m]" />
			<property name="Height" caption="Height" control="float" unit="Length" default="100 [m]" />
			<property name="Width" caption="Width" control="float" unit="Length" default="20 [m]" />
			<property name="Number" caption="Number" control="integer" default="3" />
	<wizard name="BridgeSimulation" version="1" context="Project" icon="bridge">
		<description>Simple wizard for mixed wizard demonstration.</description>
		<step name="Project" caption="Create Project" version="1" context="Project" HelpFile="help/prj1.html">
			<description>Create a static structural analysis.</description>
			<property name="Name" caption="system name" control="text" />
			<property name="Context" caption="geometry context" control="select">
				<attributes options="DesignModeler,SpaceClaim"/>

		<step name="DeckDM" caption="DeckDM" version="1" context="DesignModeler" HelpFile="help/dm1.html">
			<description>Create the deck.</description>
			<propertygroup display="caption" name="Deck" caption="Deck Definition" >
				<property name="Length" caption="Length" control="float" unit="Length" default="300 [m]" />
				<property name="Width" caption="Width" control="float" unit="Length" default="20 [m]" />
				<property name="Beams" caption="Beams" control="integer" default="31" />
		<step name="SupportsDM" caption="SupportsDM" context="DesignModeler" enabled="true" version="1" 
			<description>Create supports.</description>
			<propertygroup display="caption" name="Supports" caption="Supports Definition" >
				<property name="Height" caption="Height" control="float" unit="Length" default="100 [m]" />
				<property name="Number" caption="Number" control="integer" default="3" />


		<step name="DeckSC" caption="DeckSC" version="1" context="SpaceClaim">
			<description>Create the deck.</description>


			<propertygroup display="caption" name="Deck" caption="Deck Definition" >
				<property name="Length" caption="Length" control="float" unit="Length" default="300 [m]" />
				<property name="Width" caption="Width" control="float" unit="Length" default="20 [m]" />
				<property name="Beams" caption="Beams" control="integer" default="31" />
		<step name="SupportsSC" caption="SupportsSC" context="SpaceClaim" enabled="true" version="1">
			<description>Create supports.</description>


			<propertygroup display="caption" name="Supports" caption="Supports Definition" >
				<property name="Height" caption="Height" control="float" unit="Length" default="100 [m]" />
				<property name="Number" caption="Number" control="integer" default="3" />

		<step name="Mesh" caption="Mesh" version="1" context="Mechanical" HelpFile="help/ds1.html">
			<description>Setup some mesh controls.</description>
			<propertygroup display="caption" name="Sizing" caption="Mesh Sizing" >
				<property name="Location" caption="Edge Location" control="geometry_selection">
					<attributes selection_filter="edge" />
				<property name="Ndiv" caption="Divisions" control="integer" />
		<step name="Solution" caption="Solution" version="1" context="Mechanical" HelpFile="help/ds2.html">
			<description>Setup loads.</description>
			<propertygroup display="caption" name="Mesh" caption="Mesh Statistics" >
				<property name="Nodes" caption="Nodes" control="text" readonly="true" />
				<property name="Elements" caption="Elements" control="text" readonly="true" />
			<propertygroup display="caption" name="FixedSupport" caption="Fixed Support" >
				<property name="Location" caption="Face Location" control="geometry_selection">
					<attributes selection_filter="face" />
		<step name="Results" caption="Results" version="1" context="Project" HelpFile="help/prj2.html">
			<description>View Results.</description>
			<property name="Res" caption="Deformation" control="text" readonly="true" />

Understanding the elements <interface> and <simdata> is necessary to understanding the mixed wizard BridgeSimulation.

Wizard Interface Definition

The element <interface> defines two user interfaces for the extension WizardDemos, both of which the wizard BridgeSimulation uses.

  • The first element <interface> has the attribute context set to Project|Mechanical|SpaceClaim, which indicates that wizards with their contexts set to any of these products use this interface.

  • The second element <interface> has the attribute context set to DesignModeler, which indicates that wizards with their contexts set to this product use this interface. This element <interface> has a child element <toolbar> that defines two toolbar buttons for exposure in DesignModeler. When the buttons are clicked, the callback <onclick> executes the functions CreateDeck and CreateSupport, creating a deck geometry with supports.

Simdata Definition

The element <simdata> provides data. This extension has two such elements to provide data for creating the geometries Deck and Support in DesignModeler.

Wizard Definition

The element <wizard> named BridgeSimulation defines the mixed wizard BridgeSimulation. The attribute context specifies the product in which the wizard is executed. Because this wizard accesses the target product from the Project tab instead of executing in the target product directly, context is set to Project.

Step Definition

The element <step> defines a step in the mixed wizard BridgeSimulation. This wizard has eight steps: Project, DeckDM, SupportsDM, DeckSC, SupportsSC, Mesh, Solution, and Results. The steps with DM in their names are executed in DesignModeler. The steps with SC in their names are executed in SpaceClaim.

For each step:

  • The attributes name, version, and caption specify the name, version, and display text for the step.

  • The attribute context specifies the Ansys product in which the specific step is executed. You only need to set the context for the step if it differs from the context for the wizard.

  • The attribute HelpFile specifies the HTML file to display as the custom help for the step.

  • The element <callbacks> specifies callbacks to functions defined in all four IronPython scripts referenced in this extension's XML file.

    • For the step Project, the callback <onupdate> executes the function CreateStaticStructural in the script

    • For the step DeckDM, the callback <onupdate> executes the function UpdateDeck in the script

    • For the step SupportsDM, the callback <onupdate> executes the function UpdateSupports in the script

    • For the step DeckSC, the callback <onupdate> executes the function UpdateDeckSC in the script

    • For the step SupportsSC, the callback <onupdate> executes the function UpdateSupportsSC in the script

    • For the step Mesh, the callbacks <onreset> and <onupdate> execute the functions RemoveControls and CreateMeshControls in the script

    • For the step Solution, the callback <onrefresh>, <onreset>, and <onupdate> execute the functions RefreshLoads, RemoveLoads, and CreateLoads in the script

    • For the step Results, the callback <onrefresh> executes the function RefreshResultsProject in the script