Save Binary Extensions with Project Option

The Save Binary Extensions with Project option specifies whether to save binary extensions within the project when the project is saved. Choices are:

  • Never (default): The currently loaded extensions are not saved within the project.

  • Copied but locked to the project: Extensions are saved within the project but are limited to only this project.

  • Always: The extensions are saved within the project and no restrictions exist as to their use in other projects. This option represents what is generally expected when the project is saved. However, the behavior depends on the security option that was selected when the binary extension was built. For more information, see Binary Extension Builder. In particular, the following scenarios can occur:

    • The extension was built with the security option set to Can't copy extension to project. If the save option is set to Always or Copied but locked to the project, the security option has the priority. The extension is not saved within the project.

    • The extension was built with the security option set to Can copy extension to project but locked to this one. If the save option is set to Always, it does not impose any restriction on the extension. However, the security level limits the use of the extension to only the given project.

Caution:  Saving extensions with a project imposes specific project load behavior for anyone opening the project file. When opening a Workbench project (.wbpj) or archive (.wbpz) that includes saved extensions, the Extension Manager will uninstall the local versions and remove the local extension files from disk. The project will only load and use the saved extensions. The safest project option, and default value, is Never. Otherwise, a user may unintentionally delete installed extensions from %APPDATA%, Addins\ACT\extensions, or any additional extension directory set by preference.