What is ACT?

ACT is a unified and consistent toolkit for customizing and extending Ansys products, providing the fastest and easiest way to create simulation engineering apps that meet your specific needs. While tailoring simulation applications to fit your use has traditionally been complex and time-consuming, ACT simplifies this process, allowing you to focus more on simulation analysis than on customizing software.

ACT uses easy-to-learn yet powerful eXtensible Markup Language (XML) and IronPython programming languages. Even if you are a non-expert user, you can create custom apps for your advanced workflows. Unlike typical software programming, ACT does not require a commercial Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Instead, it provides an intuitive development environment with tools, documentation, and lots of examples to guide you through the process. With ACT, you can create customizations in only hours or days instead of weeks or months.

Many Ansys products expose their own scripting solutions. However, ACT provides a single scripting solution for customizing all Ansys products. You can mix ACT APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) with product-specific APIs without needing to compile external code or link with existing Ansys libraries. Additionally, ACT enables you to manage the interfaces between these products and the additional customizations, ensuring that they all interact accurately.

ACT’s intuitive APIs and simple app creation tools capture the best practices of expert engineering analysts, thereby reducing training and implementation costs and enabling a broader range of engineers and designers to effectively use simulation tools. By fostering a unified simulation workflow, ACT allows you to integrate your non-Ansys engineering tools and data into the Ansys ecosystem to maximize the productivity of your engineering teams. Leverage these streamlined simulation workflows for faster and better decisions throughout the entire product life cycle, from concept to product use.